Newsletter - 26/7/2022

Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Newsletter - 26/7/2022

The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales is an independent body asked to look at options for how Wales might be run in the future. The commission wants to hear from as many people as possible, from all walks of life and from every community, about what matters to them and their hopes for Wales’ future. This funding opportunity has been established to make sure that the national conversation on how Wales could be run in the future includes a diverse range of communities across Wales.

The community engagement fund gives community groups and organisations in Wales the chance to access funding for engagement projects which will contribute to the commission’s work. 

The list is not exhaustive and applications related to other communities or themes are welcome too.

  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals
  • Faith groups
  • Asylum seekers, Refugees, and newly settled communities
  • Young people
  • Older people
  • Community groups
  • LGBTQ+ people
  • Women/Girls
  • Non-binary people
  • Disabled people
  • Those experiencing or who have experienced homelessness
  • Those experiencing or who have experienced unemployment
  • Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
  • Residents in care settings, within the care system or care leavers
  • Ex-offenders
Learn more about the fund

The Climate Action Fund is for projects that focus on the link between nature and climate. They want to fund projects that use nature to encourage more community-led climate action and expect the projects to bring other important social and economic benefits such as the creation of strong, resilient and healthy communities or the development of ‘green’ skills and jobs.

They’re interested in projects that can do at least one of the following:

  • show how creating a deeper connection with nature will lead to changing people’s behaviours and greater care for the environment
  • show how by bringing nature back into the places we live and work, we can help communities to reduce or adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Discover more here
The Vision Fund offers grants of between £5,000 - £150,000 (capital and/or revenue) to support activities that help to deliver one or more of the Fund Prospectus’s priorities. Before submitting any Vision Fund application or expression of interest, contact them to discuss your plans. Deadline mid August
Find out more here


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