Invitation to the Launch of The Bridge Project

Thursday, 25 January 2018
Invitation to the Launch of The Bridge Project

Social Firms Wales is delighted to be celebrating the launch of The Bridge Project.

Barod CIC, Social Firms Wales and three partners would like to invite you to the launch of The Bridge Project on the 1 February at TechHub in Swansea. 2pm - 4.30 pm.

There will be a buffet tea and cake and the opportunity to come together as a community to share our experiences and build new friendships for the future.

The Bridge project aims to change assumptions about work, business ownership and generating income for people with Learning difficulties.

Booking is essential so that we can prepare your place at the table. Email: [email protected] to book your place advising of any dietary requirements.

We hope to see you there.

Please feel free to share this invitation to anyone you think would be interested in attending

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