Newsletter -5/5/2022

Thursday, 05 May 2022
Newsletter -5/5/2022

Cronfa Gymunedol Comic Relief yng Nghymru 

Ceir dwy lefel ariannu:

  • Grantiau Bach – £1,000 – £10,000 ar gyfer prosiectau sy'n cyflawni gweithgarwch a arweinir gan y gymuned i fynd i'r afael ag anghenion neu faterion penodol yn eu hardal
  • Grantiau Twf Sefydliadol – o £30,000 i £50,000 er mwyn i sefydliadau gyflawni gweithgarwch i gael effaith strategol a chynyddu eu gwydnwch

Dyddiad cau 27 Mehefin

Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales

There are two funding levels
  • Small Grants – £1,000 – £10,000 for projects carrying out community led activity to tackle a specific needs or issues within their locality
  • Organisational Growth Grants – £30,000 – £50,000 for organisations to carry out activity to make a strategic impact and increase their resilience
Deadline 27 June
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund

Newid trwy eBay

Mae Social Enterprise UK ac eBay yn chwilio am don newydd o fentrau cymdeithasol i gymryd rhan yn y rhaglen 'eBay for Change', a gynlluniwyd i gyflymu'r twf mewn gwerthiannau manwerthu yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol ar gyfer mentrau cymdeithasol a masnach deg. Bydd busnesau'n cael eu cefnogi i ddechrau gwerthu ar eBay. 

eBay for Change

Social Enterprise UK and eBay are looking for a new wave of social enterprises to take part in the eBay for Change programme, designed to accelerate the growth in UK retail sales for social and fair trade enterprises. Businesses will be supported to begin selling on eBay. 
Darganfyddwch fwy | Find out More

Mae Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol

wedi lansio eu adnewyddiad strategol a maent am glywed gennych. Fel rhan o'r ymrwymiad i roi cymunedau'n gyntaf, mae'r gronfa'n adnewyddu ei strategaeth ar gyfer y Deyrnas Gyfunol gyfan – ac mae wedi agor safle meicro pwrpasol er mwyn casglu barn a safbwyntiau pawb. Fel y cyllidwr mwyaf o weithgarwch cymunedol yn y DG, mae hwn yn gyfle allweddol i lywio dyfodol y ffordd y mae'n buddsoddi mewn cymunedau. Bydd yr arolwg yn cau ar 20 Mai

The National Lottery Community Fund

has launched its strategic renewal and would like to hear from you. As part of the commitment to putting communities first the fund is renewing its UK-wide strategy – and has opened up a dedicated microsite to capture everyone's thoughts and views. As the largest funder of community activity in the UK this is a key opportunity to shape the future of how it invests in communities. The survey will close 20 May.
Cwblhau'r arolwg | Complete the survey

Uwchsgilio eich Gweithwyr gyda Phrosiectau Partneriaeth y Rhaglen Sgiliau Hyblyg

Mae’n bosib iawn y gall cynlluniau Busnes Cymru eich helpu chi gyda chymorth ariannol tuag at uwchsgilio'ch staff. Ar hyn o bryd ganddynt gynlluniau penodol a fydd yn helpu gyda’r canlynol:
  • datblygu sgiliau digidol uwch;
  • mynd i'r afael â'r heriau sy'n gysylltiedig â sgiliau allforio;
  • cefnogaeth i sgiliau yn y sector Cynhyrchu a Pheirianneg
  • cefnogaeth i fylchau sgiliau ac uwchsgilio yn y Sector Creadigol
  • cefnogaeth i fylchau sgiliau ac uwchsgilio yn y sector Twristiaeth a Lletygarwch

Upskill your employees with the Flexible Skills Programme Partnership Projects

Business Wales programmes may be able to help you with financial support towards upskilling your staff and currently have specific programmes to help you:
  • develop advanced digital skills;
  • address export related skills challenges
  • support skills gaps in the Engineering and Manufacturing Sector
  • support skills gaps and upskilling in the Creative Sector
  • support skills gaps and upskilling in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find our more here

Ydych chi'n gweithio i elusen neu sefydliad dielw, sefydliad sector cymdeithasol neu gyllidwr yn y DG?

Os hynny, yna edrychwch ar yr arolwg hwn am eich sgiliau digidol a'ch anghenion cymorth. 
Gall unrhyw un gwblhau'r arolwg. Gallwch ei wneud ar eich pen eich hun neu gyda thîm. Maen nhw'n holi am ddigidol mewn ffordd gyfannol iawn. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ystod o gwestiynau am eich blaenoriaethau sefydliadol cyffredinol, rhwystrau ac anghenion ariannu, yn ogystal â sgiliau a heriau digidol penodol. Yn cau 20fed Mai

Do you work for a charity or a non-profit organisation, social sector organisation or a funder based in the UK?

If you do then have a look this survey about your digital skills and support needs. 

Anyone can complete the survey. You can do it alone or with a team. They ask about digital in a very holistic way. This includes a range of questions about your overall organisational priorities, barriers and funding needs, as well as specific digital skills and challenges. Closes 20th May
Cwblhau'r arolwg | Complete the survey
Y 10 Awgrym Gorau i Fentrau Cymdeithasol a Di-elw Denu Sylw a Thyfu'n Effeithiol | Top 10 Tips for Non Profits and Social Enterprises to Grow Traffic and Scale Impact

CBC Adnoddau Dynol Roots

yn cynnig Pecyn Cymorth Ffeiliau Personél yn rhad ac am ddim gwerth £399 sy'n llawn cyngor defnyddiol, templedi, offer a gweminar hyfforddi a all fod o fudd mawr i gefnogi eich sefydliad sector cymdeithasol!

Roots HR CIC 

are giving away a Free Personnel Files Toolkit worth £399 jam-packed full of useful guidance, templates, tools and a training webinar which can be of great benefit to support your social sector organisation! 
Hawliwch eich pecyn cymorth am ddim yma | Get your free toolkit here


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