Newsletter - 7/7/2022

Thursday, 07 July 2022
Newsletter - 7/7/2022


Croeso i'n haelodau newydd Amy Holland o Llesiant Rhieni Sengl

Mae Llesiant Rhieni Sengl yn cael ei redeg gan rieni sengl ar gyfer rhieni sengl. Mae Llesiant Rhieni Sengl yn edrych ar rieni sengl mewn modd tosturiol a chadarnhaol sy'n grymuso, gan ganolbwyntio ar lesiant.

Welcome to new member Amy Holland of Single Parents Wellbeing CIC
Single Parents Wellbeing is run by single parents for single parent families. SPW has a compassionate, empowering and positive approach to being a single parent with a focus on wellbeing and preventing social isolation.


Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here






Mae Tape wedi lansio eu hail ffilm nodwedd, 'Approaching the Shadows' sy’n hwb enfawr i'r elusen a'r 250+ o bobl a gyfrannodd at ei greu. Os gwelwch yn dda, cefnogwch nhw drwy wylio'r ffilm a rhannu gydag eraill.

Tape have launched their second feature film 'Approaching the Shadows'
It means so much to the charity and the 250+ people who contributed to its making. Please support them by watching the film and sharing with others.


Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here






Llongyfarchiadau YourNorth a enillodd gategori Gwasanaeth Newydd y Flwyddyn yng Ngwobrau Cychwyn Busnes Cymru

Congratulations to YourNorth who won the Consumer Services StartUp of the Year category at the Startup Awards Wales





Mae’r bartneriaeth newydd werth £1 miliwn rhwng BEO a Sky yn cefnogi entrepreneuriaid du i lansio a thyfu eu busnesau eu hunain yn Y Deyrnas Gyfunol.
Mae Future 100 yn darparu buddsoddiad a mynediad i gadwyni cyflenwi wedi'i gefnogi gan gyngor busnes arbenigol a hyfforddi a mentora er mwyn chwalu'r rhwystrau sylweddol sy'n wynebu entrepreneuriaid Prydeinig du wrth sefydlu a thyfu eu busnesau.

BEO and Sky’s new £1 million partnership is backing Black entrepreneurs to launch and grow their own businesses in the UK.

Future 100 provides investment and access to supply chains, backed up by expert business advice, coaching and mentoring, to break down the significant barriers faced by Black British entrepreneurs when setting up and growing their businesses.


Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund






Cyllid grant Cymunedau Gwydn Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru
Gallwch ymgeisio am £10k i £125k, neu £250k os caiff prosiect ei gyflawni dros ddwy flynedd. Gall rhai o themâu'r prosiect gynnwys:

  • cymunedau llai breintiedig
  • dod â phobl at ei gilydd er mwyn gwella iechyd meddwl a datblygu 'ymddygiadau gwyrdd'
  • codi ymwybyddiaeth o effeithiau'r hinsawdd fel y gall cymunedau wneud penderfyniadau a mynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd 
  • sicrhau bod cymunedau'n teimlo eu bod wedi'u cysylltu a'u grymuso â'u 
  • hamgylchedd naturiol, gan fynd ati i'w reoli a'i wella

Dyddiad cau Medi 19

Natural Resources Wales/Resilient communities grant funding
You can apply for £10k to £125k, or £250k if a project is delivered over two years. Some of the project themes can include:

  • less privileged communities
  • bringing people together to improve mental health and develop ‘green behaviours’
  • raising awareness of climate effects so communities can make decisions and tackle climate change
  • ensure communities feel connected and empowered with their natural environment, actively managing and improving it

Deadline 19 Sept


Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here






Ble mae eich sefydliad arni o ran hygyrchedd digidol? 
Nid yw'n hawdd gwybod ble i ddechrau o ran hygyrchedd digidol. Gallwch lawrlwytho Model Aeddfedrwydd Hygyrchedd Digidol AbilityNet er mwyn dechrau eich taith.
Bydd Model Aeddfedrwydd AbilityNet yn eich helpu chi adnabod:

  • lle yr ydych chi nawr
  • sut i osod cynllun realistig
  • a dilyn eich cynnydd ar eich taith

Where is your organisation with digital accessibility? 
Knowing where to start with digital accessibility isn’t easy. But you can download AbilityNet's Digital Accessibility Maturity Model (DAMM) to begin your journey.
The AbilityNet DAMM will help you identify:

  • where you are now
  • set out a realistic roadmap
  • and track progress along the way


Cliciwch yma i lawrlwytho | Click here to download






How to Make a Small Business Successful

Each week Social Firms Wales will provide a business tip to help your business grow. 
This week's tip:

Analyse your competitors 

To build a successful business you need to stand out from your competition.
Knowing your competitors is critical as this helps you to evaluate your own business, seeing your unique advantages as well as potential barriers to growth. You become proactive rather than reactive.  


Sut i fynd ati i ddadansoddi eich cystadleuwyr | How to go about a competitive analysis



Sut i Wneud Busnes Bach yn Llwyddiannus

Bob wythnos bydd Cwmnïau Cymdeithasol Cymru yn darparu cyngor busnes i helpu'ch busnes i dyfu. 
Awgrym yr wythnos hon:

Dadansoddi eich cystadleuwyr 

Er mwyn adeiladu busnes llwyddiannus mae angen i chi fod yn wahanol i'ch cystadleuwyr.  
Byddwch rhagweithiol yn hytrach nag yn adweithiol. Mae adnabod eich cystadleuwyr yn hanfodol gan fod hyn yn eich helpu i werthuso eich busnes eich hun, gan weld eich manteision unigryw yn ogystal â’r rhwystrau posibl i dwf.


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