Cyllid grant Cymunedau Gwydn Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru
Gallwch ymgeisio am £10k i £125k, neu £250k os caiff prosiect ei gyflawni dros ddwy flynedd. Gall rhai o themâu'r prosiect gynnwys:
cymunedau llai breintiedig
dod â phobl at ei gilydd er mwyn gwella iechyd meddwl a datblygu 'ymddygiadau gwyrdd'
codi ymwybyddiaeth o effeithiau'r hinsawdd fel y gall cymunedau wneud penderfyniadau a mynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd
sicrhau bod cymunedau'n teimlo eu bod wedi'u cysylltu a'u grymuso â'u
hamgylchedd naturiol, gan fynd ati i'w reoli a'i wella
Dyddiad cau Medi 19
Natural Resources Wales/Resilient communities grant funding
You can apply for £10k to £125k, or £250k if a project is delivered over two years. Some of the project themes can include:
less privileged communities
bringing people together to improve mental health and develop ‘green behaviours’
raising awareness of climate effects so communities can make decisions and tackle climate change
ensure communities feel connected and empowered with their natural environment, actively managing and improving it
Deadline 19 Sept