Newsletter - 9/9/2021

Thursday, 09 September 2021
Newsletter - 9/9/2021
Y Gronfa Gwydnwch Trydydd Sector Cymru
Mae'r Gronfa Gwydnwch ar agor bellach ar gyfer ceisiadau. Mae cam 3 y gronfa yn cynnig cyllid grant i helpu sefydliadau gwirfoddol gyda'u costau wrth oroesi'r pandemig COVID-19. Gellir defnyddio grantiau hefyd i fuddsoddi mewn gweithgarwch newydd neu ychwanegol a fydd yn creu elw y tu hwnt i'r cyfnod ariannu. Cliciwch yma am wybodaeth bellach
The Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF)
Now open for applications, phase 3 of TSRF offers grant funding to help voluntary organisations with the costs of surviving the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants can also be used to invest in new or additional activity which will generate a return beyond the period of funding. Click here for further information
Mae cymorth parhaus ar gael drwy'r NBRN (rhwydwaith ymateb busnes cenedlaethol) i gael gafael ar sgiliau proffesiynol gan fusnesau mwy.  Cliciwch fan hyn am fwy o wybodaeth
Ongoing support is available through National Business Response Network to access professional skills from larger businesses. Click here for more information
Grŵp Cyllid Amgen – y cyfnod pontio anodd o gyllid yr UE i gyllid canolog y DU
Gwebinar : 20 Medi 2pm – 3pm

Mae wedi bod yn haf prysur o ran y cyllid amgen, gyda nifer o raglenni a chylchoedd cynnig yn cau. Mae’r sector gwirfoddol wedi’i herio gan amserlenni tynn, modelau cyflenwi newydd a rhai canllawiau anghyflawn – wrth i Lywodraeth y DU hefyd droedio’n ansicr drwy’r ffrydiau cyllido newydd hyn.
glywed am rai o’r canlyniadau cychwynnol, cael cipolwg ar rai o gylchoedd y dyfodol a chlywed am sut y mae amser a chwmpas gennym ni o hyd i ddylanwadu.
Replacement funding group – the tricky transition from EU to UK centralised funding
Webinar : 20 September, 2pm – 3pm

It’s been a busy summer on the replacement funding front, with the opening and closure of multiple programmes and bidding rounds. The voluntary sector has been challenged by tight timescales, new delivery models and some incomplete guidance - as UK Government also feels its way through these new funding streams.
Hear about some of the initial outcomes, some insights into future rounds and how there’s still time and scope for us to influence.
Dolenni Defnyddiol
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