Newsletter - 04/12/2020

Friday, 04 December 2020
Newsletter - 04/12/2020
Golwg ar Gymorth yn y Gwaith De-ddwyrain Cymru
Ar 15 Rhagfyr 2020, 10-11.30am, byddwn yn arddangos ein Gwasanaeth Cymorth Mewn Gwaith newydd i bobl sy'n byw ac yn gweithio yng Nghaerdydd, Sir Fynwy, Casnewydd a Bro Morgannwg. Mae'r gwasanaeth yn darparu cymorth ymyrraeth gynnar i atal absenoldeb salwch hirdymor o'r gwaith, ac mae'n cynnwys mynediad cyflym am ddim i therapïau er mwyn mynd i'r afael â materion iechyd ysgafn i gymedrol, fel hwyliau isel, gorbryder neu gyflyrau cyhyrysgerbydol.
Mae ein digwyddiad wedi'i anelu at weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol, perchnogion busnes, rheolwyr ac arweinwyr Adnoddau Dynol. Ariennir IWS De Ddwyrain Cymru gan Lywodraeth Cymru fel rhan o ymateb Covid-19
FREE SPOTLIGHT EVENT on In Work Support South East Wales
On 15th December 2020, 10-11.30am, RCS will be showcasing a new In Work Support Service for people living and working in Cardiff, Monmouthshire, Newport & Vale of Glamorgan. The service provides early intervention support to prevent long-term sickness absence from work, and includes free, rapid access to therapies to address mild to moderate health issues such as low mood, anxiety or musculoskeletal conditions.
The spotlight event is aimed at health professionals, business owners, managers and HR leads. IWS South East Wales is funded by the Welsh Government as part of the Covid-19 response.
Mae Cronfa Gymunedol Aviva yn derbyn ceisiadau nawr ar gyfer eu rownd nesaf tan 19eg Ionawr.
Grantiau o hyd at £50,000 ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau i gefnogi prosiectau sy'n hybu gwydnwch cymunedau yn wyneb ansicrwydd
Applications are now open for the next round of the Aviva Community Fund until 19th January.
Grants of up to £50,000 available for projects to support projects that boost the resilience of communities in the face of uncertainty
Cronfa Gymunedol Estyniad Glan Burbo
Grantiau ar gael i sefydliadau dielw ar gyfer prosiectau cymunedol ac amgylcheddol newydd neu gyfredol sydd o fudd i drigolion lleol yn Sir Ddinbych a/neu Sir y Fflint. Grantiau bach £500-£5,000 a phrif grantiau £5,001-£20,000 ar gael. Gall yr arian gefnogi gwelliannau i adeiladau cymunedol, prosiectau amgylcheddol megis gwella parciau a mannau agored, a phrosiectau bywyd gwyllt gan gynnwys gwelliannau i gynefinoedd morol ac arfordirol. Y dyddiad cau nesaf yw 14 Ebrill 2021.
Burbo Bank Extension Community Fund
Grants available to not-for-profit organisations for new or existing community and environmental projects that benefit local residents in Denbighshire, Flintshire. Small grants £500-£5,000 and main grants £5,001-£20,000 available. The funding can support community building improvements, environmental projects such as the enhancement of parks and open spaces, and wildlife projects including improvements to marine and coastal habitats. Next deadline 14 April 2021.
Ydych chi yn talu eich staff yn gynnar ym mis Rhagfyr?
Mae rhai cyflogwyr yn talu eu gweithwyr yn gynt nag arfer yn ystod cyfnod y Nadolig. Pe baech yn talu'n gynnar, nodwch eich dyddiad talu arferol ar eich Cyflwyniad Taliad Llawn [FPS] er mwyn diogelu cymhwysedd eich cyflogeion i dderbyn Credyd Cynhwysol, oherwydd gall nodi taliad cynnar effeithio ar hawliau pellach.
Do you pay your staff earlier in December?
Some employers pay their employees earlier than usual over the Christmas period,. If you do pay early, please report your normal payment date on your Full Payment Submission (FPS) to protect your employees’ eligibility for Universal Credit, because reporting an early payment could affect further entitlements.


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