Newsletter - 10/8/2023

Thursday, 17 August 2023
Newsletter - 10/8/2023
Free Webinar: Top tips for boosting your digital skills, with BT Group and Age UK
Guest speakers from BT, Age UK and AbilityNet discussing how to ensure that senior citizens and disabled people are not left behind in the digital revolution.
Find out more and book your place
Hogan Lovells’ social enterprise practice HL BaSE is offering 6 months of free legal advice to social entrepreneurs through its HL BaSE Training programme. Successful applicants will be matched with a small team of lawyers to advise on their legal query, starting in the week of 25 September. 
Find out more here
In-Work Support Service – Now open and accepting referrals
RCS have been selected by Welsh Government to offer In-Work Support Service in North, West and South West Wales. 
The In-Work Support Service provides free support and psychological or physical therapies to help employed and self-employed people improve their wellbeing, and reduce sickness absence from work.
The service is aimed at employees from small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) with a mild to moderate mental or physical health condition that is impacting them at work.  People do not need to be currently absent from work to qualify for support.
Support is quick, free and fully confidential.
People can refer themselves to the service by calling 01745 336442, or click the button below.
Support is also available to SME businesses owners to help improve wellbeing at work. To find out if you’re eligible for funding contact RCS on [email protected].
Find out more here


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