Newsletter - 1/2/2024

Thursday, 01 February 2024
Newsletter - 1/2/2024
Welcome to our new member Community Murals CIC . They were was established 18 months ago to work alongside communities of all kinds to create public murals. In that time they have worked in Wales, England and collaborated with artists in Indonesia on a high profile international exchange.
They have two creative directors on the board, but to continue to grow the company they now need board members with more general business skills, particularly fund raising and marketing.
Their friendly board currently meets every quarter in Cardiff or on Zoom. If you could spare 4-8 hours a month to get involved in this exciting project they'd love to hear from you.
Darganfyddwch sut y gallwch chi gyfranogi | Find out how you can get involved.
Menter gymdeithasol ddeinamig yw Y Plant Affricanaidd sydd wedi ymrwymo i wasanaethu'r gymuned Affricanaidd yng Nghymru.
Mae eu dull amlochrog yn cwmpasu ymwybyddiaeth amddiffyn plant, cyrsiau sy’n ddiwylliannol sensitif i rieni, gwasanaethau eiriolaeth, hyfforddiant cymhwysedd diwylliannol ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol, ac ymgysylltiad i weithgareddau cymunedol ar gyfer teuluoedd Affricanaidd yng Nghymru. Mae rhan sylweddol o'u gwaith hefyd yn cynnwys cynorthwyo teuluoedd o Affrica sydd â diddordeb mewn gwasanaethau maethu yng Nghymru.
And welcome to another new member Y Plant Affricanaidd. They aim serving the African community in Wales. Their multifaceted approach encompasses initiatives in child protection awareness, culturally sensitive parenting courses, advocacy services, cultural competence training for professionals, and engage in community activities that cater specifically to African families in Wales. A significant part of their work also involves assisting African families interested in fostering services in Wales.
Chwilotwch eu gwefan | Explore their website
Cronfa Gymunedol Dŵr Cymru
Grantiau o hyd at £5,000 ar gyfer prosiectau sydd ag amcanion iechyd, lles, cymorth costau byw ac/neu amgylcheddol sydd o fudd i'r gymuned. Rhoddir blaenoriaeth i'r prosiectau hynny lle mae Dŵr Cymru yn gweithio (neu wedi bod yn gweithio).
Welsh Water Community Fund
Grants of up to £5,000 for projects with health, wellbeing, cost of living support and/or environmental objectives that benefit the community. Priority will be given to those projects where Welsh Water are, or have been, working.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Gweminar cyflwyno cynllun eBay for Change  Dysgwch am becyn cymorth y cynllun hwn sydd â hyfforddiant am ddim a rhestriad e-fasnachu.  Cyfle i gyfarfod â'r tîm a chlywed am brofiad mentrau cymdeithasol sydd yn rhan o’r cynllun yn barod.

15fed Chwefror 18:00 | 20fed Chwefror 10:00
eBay for Change intro webinar
An introduction to the eBay for Change programme - find out about the package of support with free listings and training in e-commerce, meet the team and hear from social enterprises currently on the programme.

15th Feb 18:00 | 20th Feb 10:00
Dewiswch eich dyddiad yma | Choose your date here
Dulliau Amgen o Ddatrys Anghydfod
Mae DADA (ADR yn Saesneg) yn effeithio ar bob masnachwr sy'n gwerthu nwyddau a gwasanaethau i ddefnyddwyr; mae'r rheoliadau'n berthnasol i unig fasnachwyr a chwmnïau cyfyngedig, p'un a ydynt yn gweithio o fangre busnes neu gartref. O gwmnïau garddio, caffis, tafarndai ac allfeydd manwerthu mawr, i siopau cornel, gorsafoedd petrol a hyd yn oed faniau hufen iâ, maent oll yn ddarostyngedig i'r rheoliadau hyn os nad yw eu proses trin cwynion mewnol wedi gallu datrys yr anghydfod. 
Mae DADA yn broses ar gyfer datrys anghydfod y tu allan i'r llys.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
ADR affects all traders who sell goods and services to consumers, the regulations are relevant to sole traders and limited companies, whether working from a business premises or at home. From gardening companies, cafés, pubs and large retail outlets, through to corner shops, petrol stations and even ice cream vans, they are all subject to these regulations if their internal complaints handling process has not been able to resolve the dispute. 

ADR is a process for the resolution of a dispute out of court. 

Darganfyddwch fwy am ADR yma | Find out more about ADR here
Darganfyddiadau digidol unrhyw bryd: eich canllaw i'r byd ar-lein
Ymunwch â Ability Net ar gyfer gweminar yn rhad ac am ddim gydag Amazon ar Ddydd Mercher 28 Chwefror, 1pm. Wrth i dechnoleg barhau i lunio ein bywydau beunyddiol, mae aros yn gysylltiedig a bod yn dechnolegol yn hanfodol i bobl o bob oedran.
Bydd y sesiwn yn cynnwys:
  • Cyflwyniad i Ddeallusrwydd Artiffisial a sut i'w ddefnyddio i'ch helpu chi
  • Hanfodion technoleg ar-lein gan gynnwys anfon a derbyn negeseuon e-bost, a defnyddio ffonau clyfar
  • Sut i ddefnyddio'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol
  • Defnyddio dyfeisiau digidol gan gynnwys Alexa ac Echo
Digital discovery at any age: your guide to the online world 
Join Ability Net for a free webinar with Amazon on Wednesday 28 February at 1pm. As technology continues to shape our daily lives, staying connected and tech-savvy at any age is essential.

The session will cover

  • An introduction to AI (artificial intelligence) and how to use it to help you
  • Online tech basics including sending and receiving emails, and using smartphones
  • How to use social media
  • Using digital devices including Alexa and Echo
If you work for an organisation that assists older people, this webinar will also provide valuable support for your clients, so sign up and bring a group along.
Cofrestrwch yma | Register here
Adnoddau Dynol ROOTS
Recordiad am ddim o weminar am y newidiadau diweddaraf i arferion a chyfreithiau cyflogaeth yn 2024.
Free recording of a Webinar about changes to in employment law and practices in 2024.
Gwyliwch y gweminar a recordiwyd fan hyn | Watch the recorded webinar here
Sut i gyfranogi | How to get involved
Pecyn Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol | Social Media Pack
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
Welsh translation for this newsletter by
dai : lingual


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