Newsletter - 12/5/2022

Thursday, 12 May 2022
Newsletter - 12/5/2022

Cronfa Cymuned Leol Co-op

Yn agored i grwpiau dielw a sefydliadau sy'n darparu prosiectau sydd o fudd i'ch cymuned leol.
Gallwch wneud cais os yw eich prosiect:
  • yn dod â phobl at ei gilydd i gael mynediad at fwyd
  • yn helpu i wella lles meddyliol pobl
  • yn creu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc gael eu clywed ac i wneud gwahaniaeth
  • helpu pobl i ddiogelu bioamrywiaeth leol neu i fynd i'r afael â newid yn yr hinsawdd drwy leihau allyriadau carbon
Dyddiad cau 29 Mai

Co op Local Community Fund

Open to not for profit groups and organisations that deliver a project to benefit your local community.

You can apply if your project:

  • brings people together to access food
  • helps improve people’s mental wellbeing
  • creates opportunities for young people to be heard and make a difference
  • helps people protect local biodiversity or tackle climate change by reducing carbon emissions
Deadline 29 May
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund

Cynllun Cymunedau y Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi

Grantiau rhwng £5,000 a £49,000 ar gael i helpu cymunedau sydd o fewn pum milltir i rai o'r gorsafoedd trosglwyddo gwastraff neu'r safleoedd tirlenwi er mwyn gweithredu dros eu hamgylchedd lleol.
Dyddiad cau 3 Gorffennaf

Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme

Grants between £5,000 – £49,000 available to help communities living within five miles of certain waste transfer stations or landfill sites take action for their local environment. Deadline 3 July
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund

Cronfa Adfer COVID 19 ar gyfer Grwpiau Cymunedol BAME yng Nghymru

Mae grantiau o rhwng £2,000 a £5,000 ar gael i'w dyfarnu i sefydliadau cymunedol a arweinir gan BAME, i gefnogi costau rhedeg sefydliad, i gyfrannu tuag at gostau prosiect a/neu i dalu cost benodol.
Mae'r gronfa'n agored i grwpiau cymunedol Cymreig â chyfansoddiad, sydd yn gallu disgrifio effaith y pandemig ar eu cymuned a'r hyn y byddant yn ei wneud i helpu eu pobl yn ystod y misoedd a'r blynyddoedd nesaf. Dyddiad cau 8 Mehefin

COVID 19 Recovery Support Fund for BAME Community Groups in Wales

Grants of between £2,000 – £5,000 are available to be awarded to BAME-led* community organisations, to support the running costs of an organisation, to contribute towards the costs of a project and/or to meet a specific cost.
The fund is open to constituted, Welsh, community-based groups that can describe the impact of the pandemic on their community and what they will do to help their people in the coming months and years. Deadline 8 June
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund

Cronfa Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymdeithas Adeiladu y Principality

Dyfernir grantiau o hyd at £5,000 i sefydliadau'r trydydd sector, er mwyn cefnogi pobl ifanc dan 40 oed o fewn un o'r themâu hyn.
  • Datblygu sgiliau hyfforddi ac / neu gyflogadwyedd
  • Cefnogi iechyd meddwl a lles
  • Dysgu sgiliau ariannol (e.e. cynilo a chyllidebu)
  • Ymwybyddiaeth a chadwraeth amgylcheddol a / neu gymdeithasol
Byddant yn blaenoriaethu sefydliadau a phrosiectau sy'n cynyddu hygyrchedd i'r rhai nad ydynt yn cael eu gwasanaethu'n ddigonol neu sy'n agored i niwed. Dyddiad cau 30 Mehefin

The Principality Building Society’s Future Generations Fund

Grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded to third sector organisations, to support young people under the age of 40  within one of these themes

  • Developing training and / or employability skills
  • Supporting mental health and wellbeing
  • Learning financial skills (e.g. saving and budgeting)
  • Environmental and / or social awareness and conservation

They will prioritise organisations and projects that are increasing accessibility to those who are underserved or vulnerable. Deadline 30 June

Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund

Sut i wneud Busnes Bach yn Llwyddiannus

Bob wythnos bydd Cwmnïau Cymdeithasol Cymru yn darparu tip busnes neu ddau i helpu'ch busnes i dyfu. 
Awgrym yr wythnos hon:
Trefnwch eich hun 
  • Crëwch restr "I'w gwneud" a dechreuwch bob dydd drwy gyfeirio ati a'u blaenoriaethu.
  • Rhowch y 3 uchaf ar nodiadau "Post it" fel y gallwch eu taflu i ffwrdd wrth i chi eu cyflawni.
  • Sylwch ar eich oriau mwyaf cynhyrchiol a chlustnodwch dasgau hanfodol ar gyfer yr amseroedd hynny

How to Make a Small Business Successful

Each week Social Firms Wales will provide a business tip or two to help your business grow. 

This week's tip:

Get yourself organised 

  • Create a 'to do' list and start each day by referring to it and prioritise them.
  • Put the top 3 on 'Post it' notes so that you can throw them away as you accomplish them.
  • Find your most productive hours and schedule essential tasks for those times

Gwneud gwybodaeth yn hawdd ei ddeall a’i ddarllen - Cwrs ar-lein

Making information easy to read and understand - Online training

25th May
21st June
Mae Cadw, Gwasanaeth Amgylchedd Hanesyddol Llywodraeth Cymru, yn ceisio ceisiadau ar gyfer hyd at dri Aelod Anweithredol i Fwrdd Cadw ar hyn o bryd.  Y dyddiad cau yw yfory 13 Mai
Cadw , the Welsh Government’s Historic Environment Service, are currently seeking applications for up to three Non-Executive members to the Cadw Board.  The closing date is tomorrow 13 May
To apply click here


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