Newsletter - 16/04/2021

Friday, 16 April 2021
Newsletter - 16/04/2021
Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Dur
Mae grantiau o hyd at £25,000 ar gael i elusennau cofrestredig yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol sy'n gweithio ym meysydd y celfyddydau a threftadaeth, addysg, yr amgylchedd, iechyd, neu anfantais gymdeithasol ac economaidd. Gellir ymgeisio am gymorth tuag at: brosiectau cyfalaf; prosiectau penodol; rhaglenni ymchwil neu gostau craidd. Dyddiad cau 20 Ebrill
Steel Charitable Trust
Grants of up to £25,000 are available to registered charities in the UK working in the areas of arts and heritage, education, environment, health, or social and economic disadvantage. Applicants may apply for support towards: capital projects; specific projects; research programmes or core costs. Deadline 20 April 
Cynllun Celf ac Iechyd Meddwl Sefydliad Baring
Mae grantiau rhwng £10,000 a £40,000 ar gael o'r gronfa newydd hon ar gyfer prosiectau sy'n hyrwyddo rôl creadigrwydd ym mywydau pobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl o gefndiroedd ethnig amrywiol, neu ar gyfer prosiectau sy'n cynnig cyfleoedd creadigol i aelodau o gymunedau aml-ethnig penodol sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl. Dyddiad cau 21 Ebrill.
Baring Foundation’s Arts and Mental Health Programme.
Grants of between £10,000 and £40,000 are available from this new fund is for projects that promote the role of creativity in the lives of people with mental health issues from ethnically diverse backgrounds or for projects that offer creative opportunities to members of specific ethnically diverse communities who have mental health issues. Deadline 21 April.
Gweminarau Llesiant
Mae RCS yn cynnal cyfres o weminarau yn rhad ac am ddim sy'n cynnig arweiniad arbenigol i gyflogwyr ar sut i gefnogi staff yn ystod y cyfnod heriol hwn, ac awgrymiadau ac offer i weithwyr ofalu am les meddyliol a chorfforol.
23 Ebrill - Meddwl yn Gadarnhaol ar gyfer y gweithle
28 Ebrill - Cyfathrebu Effeithiol ar gyfer y Gweithle
Wellbeing Webinars
RCS are delivering a series of free webinars offering expert guidance to employers on how to support staff at this most challenging of times, and tips and tools for employees on looking after mental and physical wellbeing.
23 April - Positive Thinking for the workplace
28 April - Effective Communication for the Workplace
Cronfa Adnewyddu Gymunedol y Deyrnas Gyfunol
Bydd y gronfa yn cael ei ddefnyddio i dreialu dulliau newydd o symud oddi wrth Gronfeydd Strwythurol yr Undeb Ewropeaidd , er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer cyflwyno Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredin y Deyrnas Gyfunol yn 2022/23. Ei nod yw cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd â'r angen mwyaf ledled y Deyrnas Gyfunol, gan greu cyfleoedd i dreialu dulliau newydd a syniadau arloesol ar lefel leol.
Mae'r gronfa'n gystadleuol ac mae gan bob awdurdod lleol uchafswm o £3 miliwn y gallant wneud cais iddo.
Mae modd ymgeisio yn –
Sir Benfro – Dyddiad cau 4 Mai 7am
Sir Gaerfyrddin – Dyddiad cau canol dydd 5 Mai
Sir Conwy - Dyddiad cau 14 Mai 5pm
RCT – Sesiynau gwybodaeth 20 Ebrill neu 22 Ebrill
UK Community Renewal Fund
This will be used to pilot new approaches to move away from the EU Structural Funds, in preparation for the introduction in 2022/23 of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK, creating opportunities to trial new approaches and innovative ideas at the local level.
The fund is competitive and each local authority has a maximum of £3mil that they can bid up to.
Applications are now open in –
Pembrokeshire –Deadline 7am 4 May
Carmarthenshire – Deadline Noon 5 May
Conwy – Deadline 5pm 14 May

RCT - Information sessions 20 April or 22 April
Allwch chi helpu Astudiaeth o fywydau pobl ag anabledd dysgu yn ystod pandemig y coronafeirws?
Cliciwch yma am fanylion
Can you help in a Study of the lives of people with a learning disability during the coronavirus pandemic?
Click here for details
Gwobrau Tech4Good AbilityNet
Dathlu'r bobl sy'n defnyddio technoleg i wneud y byd yn lle gwell – gyda chefnogaeth brandiau megis BT, Comic Relief, Good Things Foundation, Google, Lenovo a Microsoft. Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy.
The AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards
Celebrating the people using tech to make the world a better place – supported by brands such as BT, Comic Relief, Good Things Foundation, Google, Lenovo and Microsoft. Click here to find out more
Beth wyddom ni am ddyfodol ariannu Ewropeaidd yng Nghymru?
Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy
What do we know about the future of European funding in Wales? 
Click here to find out
A oes gennych chi brofiad o garchar?
Mae Inside Out yn datblygu cyfres o adnoddau digidol o amgylch thema 'Lleisiau Profiad' ac yn awyddus i glywed gennych, i ddweud eich stori wrthynt.
  • Beth wnaeth eich helpu i gael swydd ar ôl y carchar?
  • Sut wnaethoch chi addasu i fywyd yn y gymuned?
  • Beth oedd yr un peth a wnaeth y gwahaniaeth mwyaf?

Ydych chi'n ceisio cefnogi addysg neu waith pobl sydd ag euogfarnau?

Os ydych yn weithiwr cymorth neu'n weithiwr proffesiynol yn y maes, maent am ddysgu o'ch profiad. 
  • Sut y gall pobl baratoi orau ar gyfer bywyd ar ôl y carchar?
  • Beth sy'n gwneud y gwahaniaeth mwyaf i unigolion? 
Ebostiwch eich profiadau at [email protected]
Have you got experience of prison?

Inside Out are developing a series of digital resources all around the theme of 'Voices of Experience' and are keen to hear from you, to tell them your story.
  • What helped you get a job after prison?
  • How did you adapt to life in the community?
  • What was the one thing that made the most difference?

Do you support people with convictions into employment or education?

If you are a support worker or a professional in the field, they want to learn from your experience.
  • How can people best prepare for life after prison?
  • What makes the most difference to individuals? 
Email your experiences to Chris at [email protected]


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