Newsletter - 17/2/2022

Thursday, 17 February 2022
Newsletter - 17/2/2022

Sgiliau Mawr yn edrych am nawdd
Dros y deng mlynedd diwethaf mae Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol 'The Big Skill' wedi gweithio yng Nghymru a'r cyffiniau i rannu a datblygu sgiliau creadigol ac ymarferol drwy weithdai a digwyddiadau crefftau traddodiadol a chyfoes. Mae ganddynt dîm o ymarferwyr medrus, profiadol, addasadwy sy'n darparu gweithgareddau crefft ymarferol a sgiliau gwledig hygyrch.
Lle y gallant, maent yn sicrhau bod popeth ar gael heb unrhyw gost i'r cyfranogwyr ac felly'n agored i bawb. Maent yn gweithio gyda'r rhai sy'n aml yn agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas: y rhai ag anableddau, pobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl, yr unig ac ynysig, gan hybu lles a hyrwyddo rhyngweithio cadarnhaol, yn ogystal â dealltwriaeth amgylcheddol drwy sgiliau ailgylchu a chrefftau traddodiadol.
Maent yn dibynnu ar grantiau a nawdd ar gyfer eu digwyddiadau. Ceir sawl ffordd wahanol i'w\

The Big Skill are looking for sponsorship.
For the past ten years The Big Skill CIC has worked in Wales and surrounding areas, to share and develop creative & practical skills through traditional & contemporary craft workshops & events. They have a team of skilled, experienced, adaptable practitioners who provide accessible, hands-on craft & rural skills activities.
Where they can everything is made available at no cost to the participants and therefore open to all. They work with the often vulnerable in our society: those with disabilities, people with mental health problems, the lonely and isolated, boosting well-being and promoting positive interaction, as well as environmental understanding through recycling skills and traditional crafts.
They depend on grants and sponsorship for their events. There are many ways to support them and would encourage you to read more here




Grant Cymunedol Sefydliad KFC
Grantiau o £2,000 ar gael i sefydliadau sy'n canolbwyntio ar rymuso pobl ifanc (11-25) yn Y Deyrnas Gyfunol i gyflawni eu potensial ac adeiladu dyfodol cadarnhaol drwy ddarparu: mannau sy'n caniatáu i bobl ifanc deimlo'n ddiogel, mentora a help i ddatgloi talent ac adeiladu sgiliau bywyd i wella eu cyfleoedd i gael gwaith o fudd.

KFC Foundation Community Grant
Grants of £2,000 available to organisations focused on empowering young people (11-25) in the UK to fulfil their potential and build a positive future by providing spaces that allow young people to feel safe and secure, by providing mentoring and helping to unlock talent and build life skills to improve their chances to gain meaningful employment.




CThEM – gweminarau 2022-23
Trosolwg o'r cyfraddau newydd ar gyfer:

  • Yswiriant Gwladol
  • Cyflog Byw Cenedlaethol /Isafswm Cyflog Cenedlaethol
  • Taliadau statudol

Yn ogystal â newidiadau i dreuliau a budd-daliadau, didyniadau Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr, porthladdoedd rhydd, rhyddhadau cyfraniadau Yswiriant Gwladol cyflogwyr, a'r Ardoll Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol newydd. Cofrestrwch yma

HMRC – webinar for 2022 – 2023
Get an overview of the new rates for:

  • National Insurance
  • National Living Wage/National Minimum Wage
  • Statutory payments

In addition to changes to expenses and benefits, Student Loan deductions, freeports, employer National Insurance contributions relief, and the new Health and Social Care Levy
Register here




Gwirfoddoli yn ystod y pandemig – cael y darlun llawn -  Mawrth 2 2022
Nod y digwyddiad hwn yw cyflwyno prif ganfyddiadau gwaith ymchwil sydd wedi’i wneud ar wirfoddoli yn ystod y pandemig ac i roi’r cyfle i edrych ar wersi o’n profiadau cyfunol, a fydd yn hysbysu ac yn dylanwadu ar agenda'r polisi cenedlaethol.

Darllenwch mwy a bwcio’ch lle

Volunteering during the pandemic – getting the full picture - March 2nd 2022
This event aims to present key findings from research that has been carried out on volunteering during the pandemic and to provide an opportunity to draw lessons from our collective experiences, which  will inform and influence the national policy agenda.
Read more and book your place




Gwirfoddoli y tu hwnt i’r pandemig – dulliau cydweithredol  - Mawrth 10 2022
Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn canolbwyntio ar arferion ac arloesedd cyfredol mewn gwirfoddoli ac yn benodol, ar ddatblygiadau amlasiantaeth a chydweithredol. Mae’n rhoi’r cyfle i rannu’r hyn a ddysgwyd o brosiectau diweddar a gyllidwyd gan grantiau Llywodraeth Cymru.
Cynigir dewis o bedwar gweithdy: ‘Prosesau recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr a rennir’, ‘Darpariaeth dysgu gwirfoddolwyr a rennir’, ‘Symud gwirfoddolwyr mewn argyfyngau’ ac ‘Integreiddio gwirfoddoli wrth ddylunio gwasanaethau’.
Darllenwch mwy a bwcio’ch lle

Volunteering beyond the pandemic - collaborative approaches – 10 March 2022
This event focusses on current practice and innovation in volunteering and in particular on multi-agency and collaborative developments. It provides opportunity to share learning from recent Welsh Government grant funded projects.
A choice of four workshops is offered: ‘Shared volunteer recruitment processes’, ‘Shared volunteer learning provision’, ‘Mobilising volunteers for emergencies’ and ‘Integrating volunteering into service design’.

Read more and book your place





Cyhoeddwyd Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Fuddsoddi Cymdeithasol
Roedd y Comisiwn ar Fuddsoddi Cymdeithasol yn grŵp annibynnol a sefydlwyd gan yr Arglwydd Victor Adebowale CBE er mwyn ymchwilio cyflwr presennol y farchnad buddsoddi cymdeithasol a sut y gallai'r farchnad alluogi twf mentrau cymdeithasol yn well. Cliciwch fan hyn am wybodaeth bellach

The Independent Commission on Social Investment has now been published.
The Commission on Social Investment was an independent group set up by Lord Victor Adebowale CBE to investigate the current state of the social investment market and how the market could better enable the growth of social enterprises.
Click here to find out more



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