Newsletter - 20/10/2022

Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Newsletter - 20/10/2022
Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi
Grantiau rhwng £5,000 - £49,000 ar gyfer prosiectau amgylcheddol a fyddai o fudd i'r gymuned. Dyddiad cau 8 Ionawr
Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme
Grants between £5,000 – £49,000 for environmental projects that would benefit the community. Deadline 8 January
Sicrhewch a ydych chi'n gymwys | Check out your eligibility
Data symudol am ddim i aelodau eich cymuned – Holi ac Ateb 15 Tachwedd 2pm

Mae partner Cymunedau Digidol Cymru, Good Things Foundation, yn helpu miloedd o bobl agored i niwed mewn cymunedau ar draws y DU i gysylltu drwy eu Banc Data Cenedlaethol. Mae'r banc data yn mynd i'r afael â thlodi data yn uniongyrchol drwy ddarparu SIMS am ddim a data symudol i bobl mewn angen. 

Mae’r Banc Data Cenedlaethol yn rhad ac am ddim i ymuno ag ef ac mae’n gyfle gwych i sefydliadau cymunedol sydd am ymwneud â chynhwysiant digidol, gan helpu aelodau eu cymuned i gael mynediad at holl fanteision bod ar-lein.

 Mae CDC mewn partneriaeth â Good Things Foundation yn cynnal sesiwn holi ac ateb ar gyfer sefydliadau yng Nghymru ar 15 Tachwedd am 2PM. Gallwch gofrestru am le drwy'r ddolen hon. Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, cysylltwch â thîm y Banc Data yn [email protected].

Free mobile data for your community members – Q&A 15 November 2pm  

Digital Communities Wales’ partner, Good Things Foundation, are helping thousands of vulnerable people in communities across the UK to get connected through their National Databank. The databank is tackling data poverty head on by providing free SIMS and mobile data to people in need. 

The National Databank is free to join and is a great opportunity for community organisations who want to get involved with digital inclusion, helping their community members to access all the benefits of being online.

DCW in partnership with Good Things Foundation are holding a Q&A session for organisations in Wales on November 15th at 2PM. You can register for a place via this link. If you have any queries, get in touch with the Databank team at [email protected].  

Dyddiad cau Gwobrau Dewi Sant 31 Hydref
Pwy sydd wedi eich ysbrydoli chi? Pwy all Cymru fod yn falch ohono? Mae Gwobrau Dewi Sant yn cydnabod ac yn dathlu cyflawniadau eithriadol pobl o bob cefndir yng Nghymru a thramor.
St David Awards close 31 October
Who has inspired you? Who can Wales be proud of? The St David Awards recognise and celebrate the exceptional achievements of people from all walks of life in Wales and abroad.
BuDarganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Gwerth Cymdeithasol – Sbardun ar gyfer Newid neu Gyfle wedi'i Golli?
Mae Social Value Cymru yn gweithio gyda chydweithwyr o bob rhan o'r gymdeithas dinesig i gynnal y sgwrs hon am beth mae gwerth cymdeithasol yn ei olygu i ni ar hyn o bryd. Ydy'n parhau i fod y sbardun am newid yr oedd llawer ohonom yn gobeithio - neu a yw'r cyfle wedi'i golli?
29 Tachwedd, 9:30yb - 12:00yp
Social Value - Lever for Change or Lost Opportunity?
Social Value UK is working with colleagues from across civil society to host this conversation about what social value means to us right now. Is it still the lever for change that many of us hoped it would be - or has that moment passed?
29 November - 9:30am - 12:00pm
Darganfyddwch fwy ac archebwch eich lle | Find out more and book your place
Gweminarau byw Cyllid a Thollau
Pe bai unrhyw un o'ch gweithwyr - gan gynnwys cyfarwyddwyr – yn derbyn treuliau teithio neu gynhaliaeth neu fudd-daliadau o fwy nag un gweithle, mae cymorth ar-lein Cyllid a Thollau Ei Fawrhydi yma i'ch helpu. Cliciwch isod i gofrestru 
Live webinars from HMRC 
If any of your employees, including directors, receive expenses or benefits, have more than one workplace or travel or subsistence expenses, HMRC's online support is here to help you. Click below to register 
Buddiannau dibwys | Trivial benefits
Digwyddiadau cymdeithasol a phartïon | Social functions and parties
Pe bai gan eich cyflogai mwy nag un gweithle | If your employees have more than one workplace
Mae cyfle cyffrous wedi codi yn Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Menywod am weithwr/aig llawrydd i sbarduno lansiad eu hymgyrch gofal.  Dyddiad cau 26 Hydref
An exciting opportunity has come up at WEN for a freelancer to drive forward the launch of their caring campaign. Closing date 26 October.
Ceisiwch yma | Apply here


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