Newsletter - 26/5/2022

Thursday, 26 May 2022
Newsletter - 26/5/2022
Mae Adroddiad Effaith Gymdeithasol CBC Greenstream Flooring wedi'i gyhoeddi ac mae'n dangos, er gwaethaf blwyddyn anarferol arall, fod y cwmni wedi gallu parhau ei genhadaeth o sicrhau'r budd mwyaf posibl i'r gymuned o ailddefnyddio a gwerthu lloriau yn  ystod 2021/22.
Greenstream Flooring CIC’s Social Impact Report has been published and shows that despite another unusual year the world navigated through in 2021/22, the company has still been able to support its mission to maximise community benefit from the reuse and sales of flooring.
Lawrlwythwch yr Adroddiad Effaith Gymdeithasol 2021/22 | Download 2021/22 Social Impact Report
Llywodraeth Cymru yn cymryd camau i gymryd lle rhaglenni a ariennir gan yr UE i gefnogi pobl sydd â rhwystrau cymhleth i ddod o hyd i waith
Welsh Government steps in to replace EU-funded programmes to support people with complex barriers to find work
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Cronfa Radio Gymunedol Ofcom
Bydd y Gronfa yn dychwelyd i gefnogi costau craidd cynnal gorsafoedd radio cymunedol trwyddedig Ofcom. Dyddiad cau 10 Mehefin
Ofcom Community Radio Fund
The Fund will return to supporting the core costs of running Ofcom-licensed community radio stations. Deadline 10 June
Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy | Click here to find out more
A allai eich elusen ddefnyddio swyddfa RHAD ac AM DDIM yng Nghaerdydd?
Ar hyn o bryd mae gan gleientiaid Avire safleoedd wedi'u lleoli yn ardal Caerdydd sydd wedi bod yn wag ers tro. Maent am gynnig y gwagle hwn yn rhad ac am ddim i elusennau o ran rhent ac ardrethi busnes. Maent yn gweithio'n uniongyrchol â'r landlord ac wedi ymchwilio i'r eiddo - ac mae prydlesi'n cael eu llunio'n fewnol gan eu tîm cyfreithiol felly nid oes unrhyw gostau i'r elusen. Bydd elusennau ond yn talu am y cyfleustodau maent yn eu defnyddio tra’n llesddeiliaid.
Could your charity make use of a RENT FREE office space in Cardiff?
Avire’s clients currently have premises located in the Cardiff area that have been vacant for a while. They would now like to offer this space to Charities on a rent and business rates free basis. They deal directly with the landlord and have researched this property and leases are drawn up in-house by their legal team so there are no costs to the charity. Charities will only pay for the utilities they use whilst they are the leaseholders.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Tystebau | Testimonials
Cyfleu Eich Effaith Gymdeithasol
Dydd Mercher 8 Mehefin, 9:30-12:30. Digwyddiad ar-lein.
Mae gan Fusnesau Cymdeithasol straeon effaith cymdeithasol gwych i'w hadrodd. Ymunwch â Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru ar y gweithdy hanner diwrnod hwn lle byddwch yn cael cymorth gyda'r sgiliau a'r syniadau i wneud y gorau o'ch stori effaith.
Communicating Your Social Impact

Wednesday 8 June, 9:30-12:30. Online event.

Social Businesses have great social impact stories to tell. Join Social Busines Wales on this half day workshop where you will gain help with the skills and ideas to make the most of your impact story.

Archebwch Nawr | Book now
Mae ProMo-Cymru yn cynnal cwrs Dylunio Gwasanaethau Digidol yn rhad ac am ddim ar gyfer sefydliadau'r trydydd sector.
Mae'r cwrs yn grymuso sefydliadau'r trydydd sector i drawsnewid gwasanaethau'n ddigidol gan ddefnyddio'r fethodoleg Dylunio Gwasanaethau.
Bydd unigolion neu dimau o sefydliadau yn cael eu cefnogi i gynllunio, profi a datblygu gwasanaethau digidol/hybrid newydd neu ail-greu gwasanaethau sy'n bodoli eisoes.
ProMo-Cymru is running a free Designing Digital Services course for third sector organisations.
The course empowers third sector organisations to digitally transform services using the Service Design methodology.
Individuals or teams from organisations will be supported to design, test and develop new digital/hybrid services or rethink existing services.
Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy | Find out more here
Arolwg Profiadau Ariannu
Mae'r sefydliad ymchwil i weithredu gwirfoddol IVAR a mwy na 100 o wneuthurwyr grantiau annibynnol am gael eich barn ar sut y gallent wella eich profiad ariannu.
  • Pa ymddygiadau, prosesau ac arferion sy'n helpu i leihau'r amser, yr ymdrech a'r straen sy’n cael ei wastraffu i gydberthnasau ariannu a cheisio codi arian?
  • Pa newidiadau y gallent eu gwneud, a pha rai o'r rhain sydd bwysicaf?
Bydd yr arolwg hwn yn cymryd 10-15 munud i'w gwblhau – a bydd eich barn CHI yn cael dylanwad uniongyrchol. 
The Funding Experience Survey
The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) and more than 100 independent grantmakers want your views on how they can improve your funding experience.
  • What behaviours, processes and practices help to reduce the wasted time, effort and stress of fundraising and funding relationships?
  • What changes could they make, and which of these matters most?
This survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete – and your view WILL have a direct influence 
Cwblhau'r arolwg | Complete the survey
Cwrs 4 wythnos e-ddysgu 'Cyd-gynhyrchu a Chi,' wedi'i achredu gan Brifysgol Glyndŵr, yn dechrau Mehefin 6ed.
Mae’r cwrs hwn yn gyfle i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn cyd-gynhyrchu i ddatblygu, dysgu a meithrin eu harfer, waeth lle maen nhw ar eu taith - mewn ffordd sy’n ffitio o’ch cwmpas chi a’ch amserlen.
4-week ‘Co-production and You’ e-learning course, accredited by Glyndŵr University, which starts on June 6th.

This course allows those interested in co-production, wherever they are on their journey, to develop, learn and nurture their practice - in a way that can fit around juggling other commitments and demands.
Darganfyddwch fwy | Find out more

How to Make a Small Business Successful

Each week Social Firms Wales will provide a business tip or two to help your business grow. 
This week's tip:

Narrow your focus
As a small business owner, you have limited resources to branding and marketing, so it’s best to be hyper-focused. 

Free tools like Keywords Everywhere, a freemium chrome extension that helps you with Keyword Research, can help you to find high-potential niches to explore for your business.
Keywords Everywhere


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