Newsletter - 26/8/2021

Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Newsletter - 26/8/2021

Llongyfarchiadau i Creu Menter sydd wedi'u henwebu mewn 2 gategori Gwobrau Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru 2021 : Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn a Thîm Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn.

Congratulations to Creating Enterprise who have been nominated in 2 categories of the Social Business Wales Awards 2021 : Social Enterprise of the Year and Social Enterprise Team of the Year
Gyda'n Gilydd ar gyfer y Planed
Yn lansio ar Medi'r 1af, bydd y rhaglen hon yn cynnig grantiau o £1,000 i £10,000 o arian y Loteri Genedlaethol i gefnogi cymunedau ledled y Deyrnas Gyfunol i weithredu ar newid hinsawdd. Ar gael i Gwmnïau Buddiannau Cymunedol, elusennau,  sefydliadau dielw ac eraill.
Dyddiad cau 18 November
Together for our Planet
Launching on the 1st September, this programme will offer grants from £1,000 to £10,000 of National Lottery funding to support communities across the UK to take action on climate change. Available for not for profit's, CIC’s, charities as well as other organisations. Deadline 18 November
Ydych chi'n chwilio am gyllid i ddatblygu prosiect i wella'r amgylchedd?
 Mae’r chweched rownd o’r Cynllun Cymunedau'r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi  ar agor i geisiadau. Ar gyfer y brîf grantiau rhwng £5,000 - £49,000. Dylid cyflwyno pob cais cyn 31 Awst 2021. Bydd prosiectau llwyddiannus yn cychwyn yn 25 Hydref 2021. 
Are you looking for funding to develop a project to improve the environment?
The sixth round of the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme (LDTCS) is open to applications for grants between £5,000 - £49,000. All applications should be submitted before 31 August 2021. Successful projects will start from 25 October 2021. 
Cronfa Cefn Gwlad y Tywysog
Dwy gronfa ar gael: Cefnogi Cymunedau Gwledig, cynnig grantiau o hyd at £25,000 i brosiectau arloesol a fydd yn creu gwahaniaeth hirdymor mewn ardaloedd gwledig anghysbell yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol, a'r prosiect "Village Survival" sy'n cynnig grantiau o £10,000 i brosiectau sy'n mynd i'r afael â chydnerthedd cymunedau gwledig ac yn sicrhau hyfywedd a ffyniant eu pentref yn y dyfodol.
Dyddiad cau: 17eg Medi.
The Prince’s Countryside Fund
Two funds available: Supporting Rural Communities, offering grants of up to £25,000 to innovative projects that will create a long-term difference in remote rural areas of the UK, and Project Village Survival offering grants of £10,000 to projects that are addressing rural community resilience and ensuring their village’s future viability and “thrivability”. Deadline is 17th September.
Cyllid twf a chynhyrchu incwm ar gael
Mae rhywfaint o arian yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ar ôl o hyd ond mae amser yn brin. Mae CGGC ar gael i siarad â chi am sut i gael mynediad at yr arian yn ogystal â'ch cefnogi drwy'r broses ymgeisio. Cliciwch fan hyn am wybodaeth bellach
Growth and Income Generation Funding
There is still some EU money left but time is running out. The WCVA is available to talk you through how to access it as well as support you through the application process. Click here for more information
Ydych chi’n barod i gefnogi llesiant eich staff?
Digwyddiad i gyflwyno "Gweithio'n Dda" -
Medi 21ain 9.30-10.15
Gall fod yn anodd gwybod ble i ddechrau. Sut i ysgrifennu Polisi Lles? Sut i ddechrau trafodaeth am iechyd meddwl? Gall RCS helpu.
Ready to support the wellbeing of your staff?
‘Working Well’ Intro Event -
21st September 9.30-10.15
It can be difficult to know where to start. How to write a Wellbeing Policy? How to start a conversation about mental health? RCS can help
Gweminar – Dyfodol y gweithle: Ystyriaethau ymarferol a chyfreithiol
7 Medi 2021
11am – 12pm – trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg 
2pm – 3pm – trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg 

Bydd y weminar hon yn rhoi trosolwg o’r ystyriaethau ymarferol a chyfreithiol i gyflogwyr sy’n ceisio cyflwyno newidiadau i batrymau gwaith yn sgil pandemig Covid-19.
Webinar - The future of the workplace: Practical and legal considerations
7 September
11am – 12pm – Delivered through the medium of English
2pm – 3pm – Delivered through the medium of Welsh

This webinar will provide an overview of the practical and legal considerations for employers seeking to implement changes to working patterns in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. 
Ydych chi'n Arweinydd Digidol? Mae ceisiadau ar agor ar gyfer Cwrs Arweinydd Digidol Cymru.
Rhan o Arweinwyr Cymdeithasol Cymru sy'n rhaglen wedi'i hariannu'n llawn ar gyfer y sector cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Mae'r cwrs AM DDIM, yn cael ei gynnal o fis Ionawr/Chwefror 2022, ac yn agored i arweinwyr gyda sawl lefel o brofiad ac is-sectorau o fewn y sector cymdeithasol yng Nghymru sydd am fod yn arweinydd digidol rhagorol yn eu sefydliad. Cwrs hunan-dywys pum wythnos a gynlluniwyd i roi'r offer, y wybodaeth a'r rhwydweithiau sydd eu hangen ar arweinwyr y sector cymdeithasol i ffynnu mewn byd sy'n gynyddol ddigidol. Dyddiad cau 4 Hydref.
Are you a Digital Leader? Applications are open for Digital Leader Cymru Course
Part of Social Leaders Cymru which is a fully funded programme for the social sector in Wales. The FREE course, taking place from January/February 2022, is open to leaders of multiple levels of experience and sub-sectors within the social sector in Wales looking to become an outstanding digital leader in their organisation. A five-week self-guided course designed to equip social sector leaders with the tools, knowledge, and networks that they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Deadline 4 October.
Swydd ar gael
Sefydliad Bevan - Contract 6 mis i Swyddog Prosiect i sicrhau bod yna lais gan ymfudwyr yng Nghymru. Cliciwch yma am fanylion llawn.  Dyddiad cau 2 Medi.
Job Vacancy
Bevan Foundation - 6 month contract for a Project Officer to ensure migrants in Wales have a voice. Click here for full details. Closing date 2 Sept


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