Newsletter - 28/4/2022

Thursday, 28 April 2022
Newsletter - 28/4/2022
Swydd ar gael – Arweinydd Prosiect V21 Cyfle Cymru – llawn amser
Os ydych yn angerddol am dechnoleg ac eisiau rhannu hynny mewn swydd lle mae hwyl a boddhad swydd, yna mae V21 am glywed gennych!  Cliciwch yma am fanylion llawn a ffurflen gais
Job vacancy - V21 Technology Project Leader - Full Time
If you have a passion for technology and want to share that in a job where fun and job satisfaction are guaranteed, then V21 want to hear from you! Click here for full details and application form 
Mae Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru wedi cyhoeddi ei bod wedi newid ei henw i Cwmpas.
The Wales Co-operative Centre has announced that it has changed its name to Cwmpas. 
CGGC lansio rownd ariannu 2022/23 ar gyfer Cronfa Gymunedol Comic Relief

Mae gan Gronfa Gymunedol Comic Relief yng Nghymru ddwy lefel ariannu:
Grantiau Bach - £1,000 - £10,000
  • Prosiectau sy'n cynnal gweithgaredd a arweinir gan y gymuned i fynd i'r afael ag anghenion neu faterion penodol yn eu hardal leol
Grantiau Twf Sefydliadol - £30,000 - £60,000
  •  I sefydliadau gyflawni gweithgaredd i gael effaith strategol a chynyddu eu gwytnwch
Dyddiad cau 27 Mehefin
WCVA launch the 2022/23 funding round for the Comic Relief Community Fund
The Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales has two funding levels:
Small Grants - £1,000 - £10,000
  • Projects carrying out community led activity to tackle a specific needs or issues within their locality
Organisational Growth Grants - £30,000 - £50,000
  • For organisations to carry out activity to make a strategic impact and increase their resilience
Deadline 27 June
Yn ychwanegol, gyda’r nod o gynyddu cynrychiolaeth ar fyrddau cyhoeddus, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnal dwy raglen i Ddarpar Arweinwyr yn 2022 sydd wedi’u hanelu’n benodol at arweinwyr yng Nghymru sy’n:
  • Pobl anabl
  • Unigolion o gefndiroedd ethnig lleiafrifol
 Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i gorfrestru:  
Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am y rhaglenni uchod mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Stephanie Griffiths neu’r tîm Cyflogwyr Chwarae Teg drwy anfon neges e-bost i [email protected]
In addition, with the aim of increasing representation on Public Boards, the Welsh Government are running two Near Ready Leadership and two Public Leaders of the Future programmes in 2022 aimed specifically at leaders in Wales who are: 
  • Disabled People
  • Individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds 
More information and to register for the programmes:

If you have any questions regarding the above programmes please feel free to reach out to Stephanie Griffiths or the FairPlay Employer Team on [email protected]

Fformiwla Codi Arian am Hanner Pris
Cwrs 6 wythnos- 6 cam sy'n cyfuno dysgu digidol a hyfforddi grŵp i helpu elusennau bach i greu a gweithredu strategaeth codi arian cynaliadwy a llwyddiannus o fewn amgylchedd grŵp cefnogol. Darganfyddwch fwy fan hyn
50% off ‘The Fundraising Formula'
A 6 week- 6 step course which combines digital learning and group coaching to help small charities to create and implement a sustainable, successful fundraising strategy within a supportive group environment. Find out more here
Thema Unigrwydd ar gyfer Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl, 9-15 Mai
Y thema ar gyfer wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl eleni yw unigrwydd. Fe wnaeth y symud at weithio o bell roi gweithwyr mewn perygl o gael eu hynysu, a chyfrifoldeb cyflogwyr bellach yw dod o hyd i ffyrdd o ail adeiladu a chynnal cysylltiadau ystyrlon gyda chydweithwyr.

RCS gweithdy hyfforddiant ar-lein, Iechyd Meddwl a’r Gweithle, Mai 10 yn edrych ar sut i hyrwyddo diwylliant o fod yn agored yn y gweithle, o ymdrin â stigma iechyd meddwl a chroesawu pobl o bob cefndir.

Cofrestru yma
Loneliness theme for Mental Health Awareness Week, 9-15 May
The theme for Mental Health Awareness week this year is loneliness. The shift to remote working put workers at potential risk of isolation, and the onus on is now on employers to find ways of re-building and maintaining meaningful connections with colleagues.

RCS’s online training workshop, Mental Health & the Workplace, May 10th looks at how to promote a workplace culture of openness, tackle mental health stigma and welcome people from all backgrounds.

Register here
Mae Gwobrau SE100 NatWest ar agor nawr
Ar agor i holl fentrau cymdeithasol Y Deyrnas Gyfunol, mae saith categori i ymgeisio amdanynt. Dyddiad cau Mai 1af
This Year's NatWest SE100 Awards are now open
Open to all UK social enterprises there are seven categories to apply for. Deadline 1 May


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