Newsletter - 29/10/2021

Friday, 29 October 2021
Newsletter - 29/10/2021
Croeso i'n haelod newydd Bethan sy'n sefydlu busnes lletygarwch newydd o'r enw BeeFree .
Welcome to new member Bethan who is in the process of setting up a new hospitality business called BeeFree. 
Gynhadledd Caffael Cyhoeddus Cymru - Cyfleoedd Llywodraeth 2021 - 30 Tachwedd.
Mae GwerthwchiGymru wedi sicrhau 100 tocyn am ddim i gynadleddwyr ar gyfer y digwyddiad eleni, sy’n costio £45.00 fel arfer, a bydd y rhain yn cael eu rhoi ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin. Archebwch Nawr
Government Opportunities (GO) Welsh Public Procurement Conference 2021 - 30 November.
Sell2Wales has secured 100 complimentary delegate tickets for this year’s event, usually priced at £45.00, which will be allocated strictly on a first come, first served basis. Book now
Credydau Amser Tempo yng Nghymru

Dewch i ddarganfod mwy am recriwtio, adnabod a gwobrwyo gwirfoddolwyr - 2il o Dachwedd , 2-3.30yp

Yn fwy na hynny nid oes unrhyw gost i'ch sefydliad gan fod y prosiect cyffrous hwn wedi'i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar draws Cymru.
Tempo Time Credits in Cymru

Find out more about recruiting, recognising and rewarding volunteers - 2nd November, 14.00 -15.30

There is no cost to your organisation as this exciting project has been funded by Welsh Government right across Wales.
Mapio’r Sector Busnesau Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru / Cyfrifiad 2020
Mae'r adroddiad diweddaraf
 i'r Sector Busnes Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn darparu tystiolaeth o ymatebolrwydd y sector i'r pandemig a'i rôl wrth geisio lliniaru rhai o'r effeithiau cymdeithasol ac economaidd niweidiol.
Mapping the Social Business Sector in Wales / 2020 Census
The latest report
 into the Social Business Sector in Wales provides evidence of the sector’s responsiveness to the pandemic and the role it had in attempting to mitigate some of the harmful social and economic impacts.
Sut i fod yn Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru
Bydd Cymru yn lansio'r ail senedd ieuenctid ym mis Ionawr 2022 ac mae Anabledd Dysgu Cymru yn un o'r sefydliadau partner sy'n cefnogi pobl ifanc anabl i ddatgan eu barn.
Ydych chi am ddefnyddio'ch llais i ddylanwadu ar y penderfyniadau sy'n effeithio arnoch chi, eich ffrindiau a'ch teulu?
Maent yn chwilio am 2 berson ifanc anabl i’w cefnogi i fod yn aelodau o Senedd Ieuenctid nesaf Cymru.  Darganfyddwch fwy am y rôl a sut i ymgeisio
Become a Welsh Youth Parliament Member
Wales will be launching the second youth parliament in January 2022 and Learning Disability Wales is one of the partner organisations supporting young disabled people to have a voice.
Do you want to use your voice to influence the decisions that affect you, your friends, your family?
They are looking for 2 young disabled people to support to become members of the next Welsh Youth Parliament. Find out about the role and how to apply
Mae'n Fis Menopos y Byd
Mae gan Acas gyngor i helpu cyflogwyr a rheolwyr i gefnogi staff sy'n cael eu heffeithio gan symptomau menopos yn y gwaith. 
It's World Menopause Month
 has advice to help employers and managers support staff who are affected by menopause symptoms at work. 


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