Yn ddiweddar, gwnaeth Uned Seiberdroseddu Ranbarthol Tarian ymgysylltu â Chyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru i roi cyflwyniad ymwybyddiaeth o seiberddiogelwch i'w tîm.
Mae elusennau yn dargedau poblogaidd ar gyfer seiberdroseddwyr oherwydd y data personol, ariannol a masnachol, a'r cronfeydd ariannol sydd ganddynt. Gwe-rwydo yw'r fector ymosodiad a nodwyd amlaf, ond dim ond 14% o elusennau sydd wedi rhoi prawf ar eu staff gyda ffug ymarferion gwe-rwydo. I ddysgu mwy am wasanaethau Uned Seiberdroseddu Ranbarthol Tarian, neu i drefnu sesiwn, anfonwch neges e-bost at y tîm yn: [email protected] |
Tarian Regional Cyber Crime Unit recently engaged with the WCVA to deliver a cyber-security awareness presentation to their team. RCCU is now offering their services to WCVA members.
Charities are popular targets for cyber-criminals due to the personal, financial and commercial data, and funds, that they possess. Phishing is the most commonly identified attack vector, yet only 14% of charities have tested their staff with mock-phishing exercises. To find out more about the Tarian RCCU services, or to book a session, contact the team here: [email protected]