Newsletter - 2/9/2021

Thursday, 02 September 2021
Newsletter - 2/9/2021
Mae aelod Cwmniau Cymdeithasol Cymru Double Click yn awr yn cynnig gwasanaeth dylunio digidol o £40 a gwell byth, wrth i chi ymwneud gydag unrhyw un o wasanaethau Double Click rydych chi hefyd yn helpu cefnogi iechyd meddwl.  Dewch i gyswllt!  Ebostiwch [email protected]   neu ffoniwch (01244) 846 411 er mwyn trafod eich anghenion gydag aelod o’r tîm.
Social Firms Wales members Double Click are now offering a digital design service from £40 and better still, when engaging Double Click - as with any of their services - you are also helping to fund the support of mental health. 
Get in touch! Email [email protected] or call (01244) 846 411 to discuss your requirements with a member of the Double Click team.

Yn ddiweddar, gwnaeth Uned Seiberdroseddu Ranbarthol Tarian ymgysylltu â Chyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru i roi cyflwyniad ymwybyddiaeth o seiberddiogelwch i'w tîm.
Mae elusennau yn dargedau poblogaidd ar gyfer seiberdroseddwyr oherwydd y data personol, ariannol a masnachol, a'r cronfeydd ariannol sydd ganddynt. Gwe-rwydo yw'r fector ymosodiad a nodwyd amlaf, ond dim ond 14% o elusennau sydd wedi rhoi prawf ar eu staff gyda ffug ymarferion gwe-rwydo. I ddysgu mwy am wasanaethau Uned Seiberdroseddu Ranbarthol Tarian, neu i drefnu sesiwn, anfonwch neges e-bost at y tîm yn: [email protected]

Tarian Regional Cyber Crime Unit recently engaged with the WCVA to deliver a cyber-security awareness presentation to their team. RCCU is now offering their services to WCVA members.
Charities are popular targets for cyber-criminals due to the personal, financial and commercial data, and funds, that they possess. Phishing is the most commonly identified attack vector, yet only 14% of charities have tested their staff with mock-phishing exercises. To find out more about the Tarian RCCU services, or to book a session, contact the team here: [email protected]
Natwest - Cyflwyniad i Busnes Cymru a Gwerthwchigymru
8 Medi, 10:00 - 12:00
Am ddim digwyddiad ar-lein
Mae Busnes Cymru – GwerthwchiGymru yn falch o gefnogi'r NatWest i gyflwyno'r Cyflwyniad hwn i  Dyfynbrisiau Cyflym , Cymorth Busnes Cymru i Fusnesau Bach a Chanolig
Byddwch hefyd yn cael cyfle i ddysgu mwy am Ddyfynbrisiau Cyflym, cyfleuster dyfynbris ar-lein GwerthwchiGymru sy'n caniatáu i brynwyr gael dyfynbrisiau cystadleuol yn electronig.
Natwest - Introduction to Business Wales and Sell2wales
8 September, 10:00 - 12:00
Free online event 
Business Wales / Sell2Wales are pleased to support Natwest to deliver this Introduction to Sell2Wales Quick Quotes, Business Wales Support for SMEs
You will also have an opportunity to learn more about Quick Quotes, the Sell2Wales online quotation facility which allows buyers to obtain competitive quotes.
Gwobrau Dewi Sant
Pwy sy’n eich ysbrydoli? Pwy ddylai Cymru fod yn falch ohonynt? Mae'r Gwobrau Dewi Sant yn cydnabod llwyddiannau eithriadol pobl wahanol o Gymru a thu hwnt. Enwebwch nawr
St David Awards 2021
Who has inspired you? Who can Wales be proud of? The St David Awards recognise and celebrate the exceptional achievements of people from all walks of life in Wales and abroad. Nominate now
Dolenni Defnyddiol
Useful Links
Lechyd Meddwl
Mental Health 
Cyngor Covid 19 
Covid 19 Advice


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