Newsletter - 4/10/2023

Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Newsletter - 4/10/2023
Mae Cronfa Grant Trydydd Sector Castell-nedd Port Talbot bellach ar agor ar gyfer ceisiadau ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol 2024-2025.
Gall sefydliadau - gan gynnwys mentrau cymdeithasol - ymgeisio am gyllid o 12 mis yn y categorïau canlynol:
  • Cefnogaeth ar gyfer cyllid craidd dros £1,000
  • Cefnogaeth ar gyfer gweithgareddau o dan £1,000;
  • Cefnogaeth o £1,000 neu fwy ar gyfer gweithgareddau sy'n ymwneud â chostau heblaw cyllid craidd, fel prosiectau.
Dyddiad cau 13 Hydref
The Neath Port Talbot Third Sector Grant fund is now open for applications for the financial year 2024-2025.

Organisations including social enterprises may apply for 12 months funding, in the following categories:

  • Support for core funding over £1,000
  • Support for activities under £1,000;
  • Support of £1,000 or more for activities relating to costs other than core funding,
    such as projects.
Deadline 13 October
Ymgeisiwch ar-lein | Apply online
Cronfa Acorn
Mae grantiau o hyd at £1,000 ar gael i helpu entrepreneuriaid cymdeithasol neu grwpiau gwirfoddoli/cymunedol newydd i gychwyn a thyfu.
Acorn Fund
Grants of up to £1,000 available to help emerging social entrepreneurs, or new volunteer/community groups, start and grow.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Cronfa Weithredu Hinsawdd yr Ieuenctid
Mae'r grantiau am hyd at £40,000, dros ddwy flynedd.
Mae ceisiadau yn broses dau gam.
  • Ffurflen mynegiant o ddiddordeb byr erbyn 16 Hydref 2023.
  • Disgwylir cais llawn erbyn 27 Hydref 2023.
Youth Climate Action Fund
Grants are for up to £40,000, over two years.

Applications are a two-stage process:

  • A short expression of interest form due by 16 October 2023.
  • A full application due by 27 October 2023.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Canllawiau cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar gyfer Elusennau | Social media guidance for Charities
Mae'r Rheoleiddiwr Codi Arian wedi lansio ymgynghoriad ar ddiweddaru'r Cod Ymarfer Codi Arian. Mae hyn yn effeithio ar y ffordd y mae'r sector yn codi arian a'r rheoliadau i'w dilyn. Mae'r broses ymgynghori ar agor tan 1af Rhagfyr.
The Fundraising Regulator has launched a consultation on updating the Code of Fundraising Practice. This affects the way the sector fundraises and the regulations to follow. The consultation process is open until 1st December 
Cyfranogwch at yr ymgynghoriad yma | Get involved with the consultation here
Pecyn cymorth siaradus
Cefnogi gweithwyr anabl a gweithwyr â chyflyrau iechyd hirdymor yn y gwaith
Talking toolkit
Support disabled workers and workers with long-term health conditions in work
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here


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