Newsletter - 7/10/2021

Thursday, 07 October 2021
Newsletter - 7/10/2021

Llongyfarchiadau i Creu Menter sydd wedi ennill Thîm Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn yng Ngwobrau Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru 2021

Congratulations to Creating Enterprise who have won and Social Enterprise Team of the Year  at the Social Business Wales Awards 2021
Ydych chi'n Hyderus o ran Anabledd? Mae aelodau Cwmnïau Cymdeithasol Cymru Agoriad Cyf yn sicr
Mae'r cynllun Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn cefnogi cyflogwyr fel chi i fanteisio i'r eithaf ar y doniau y gall pobl anabl eu cynnig i'ch gweithle. 
Cofrestrwch ar gyfer y cynllun Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Are you Disability Confident? Social Firms Wales Members Agoriad Cyf are.
The Disability Confident scheme supports employers like you to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to your workplace.
Sign up to Disability Confident
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer tâl salwch Covid-19 yw mis Rhagfyr 31 2021
Mae Llywodraeth Y Deyrnas Gyfunol wedi diweddaru ei chanllawiau ar gyfer hawliadau a wnaed o dan Gynllun Ad-dalu Tâl Salwch Statudol y Coronafeirws. Bydd Cynllun Ad-dalu Tâl Salwch Statudol y Coronafeirws yn ad-dalu'r Tâl Salwch Statudol i gyflogwyr a dalwyd i weithwyr presennol neu gyn-weithwyr a oedd yn absennol o'r gwaith oherwydd COVID-19  ar neu cyn 30 Medi 2021. 
Deadline for COVID-19 sick pay 31 December 2021
The UK Government has updated its guidance for claims made under the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme. The Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme will repay employers the Statutory Sick Pay paid to current or former employees due to COVID-19 who were off work on or before 30 September 2021. 
Cyllid Da - Y Matrics Canlyniadau
Mae hwn yn declyn ymarferol i helpu sefydliadau effaith gymdeithasol i gynllunio a mesur eu heffaith gymdeithasol o ran canlyniadau. Mae'r Matrics Canlyniadau yn ddefnyddiol i:
  • Sefydlu man cychwyn ar gyfer cynllunio a mesur eich canlyniadau effaith gymdeithasol   
  • Cyfleu eich effaith i fuddsoddwyr cymdeithasol a rhanddeiliaid allweddol
  • Feddwl am feysydd datblygu ar gyfer eich sefydliad yn y dyfodol a dylai fod yn fan cychwyn defnyddiol i sefydliadau fesur eu heffaith gymdeithasol.
Gwyliwch y tiwtorial cam-wrth-gam i wybod mwy
Good Finance - The Outcomes Matrix
This is a practical tool to help social impact organisations plan and measure their social impact in terms of outcomes. The Outcomes Matrix is a useful tool to:
  • Gain a starting point for planning and measuring your social impact outcomes 
  • Communicating your impact to social investors and key stakeholders
  • Thinking about future areas of development for your organisation should provide a helpful starting point for organisations to measure their social impact.
Watch the step by step tutorial to find out more
Y Gronfa Bartner
A oes gennych syniad am brosiect arloesol, cydweithredol ar gyfer newid cymdeithasol sy'n gweithio gyda chymunedau?
Ydych chi am ymuno â chynghreiriaid annhebygol i ymhelaethu ar eich gwaith a gwneud y mwyaf o'ch potensial ar y cyd ar gyfer effaith gymdeithasol?
A oes angen cyllid a chymorth strategol arnoch i wneud i'r prosiect hwn ddigwydd?
Yna mae'r gronfa bartner ar eich cyfer chi!
The Partner-up Fund
Do you have an idea for an innovative, collaborative arts-for-social-change project working with communities?
Do you want to join forces with unlikely allies to amplify your work and maximise your collective potential for social impact?
Do you need funding and strategic support to make this project happen?
Then the partner-up fund is for you!


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