Newsletter - 7/6/2021

Monday, 07 June 2021
Newsletter - 7/6/2021
Cynhadledd Buddsoddi Cymdeithasol
Mae lleoedd yn mynd yn gyflym ar gyfer y gynhadledd arlein Buddsoddi Cymdeithasol Nawr ar 9fed Mehefin. Ceir hefyd ambell i  gyfarfod un-i-un y gellir archebu ymlaen llaw gyda'r 17 o fuddsoddwyr cymdeithasol blaenllaw sy'n cymryd rhan, sy'n awyddus i fuddsoddi mewn Busnesau Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Bydd y digwyddiad yn agored i holl fentrau cymdeithasol Cymru, cwmnïau cydweithredol a busnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr. Archebwch fan hyn
The Social Investment Now conference
Places are booking up fast for the online Social Investment Now conference on the 9th June.  There is also limited pre-bookable 1-2-1 meetings direct with the 17 leading social investors taking part, who are looking to invest in Welsh Social Businesses. The event will be open to all Welsh social enterprises, co-operatives and employee-owned businesses. Book here
NatWest Accelerator Programme 
Mae'r rhaglen hon a ariennir yn llawn am chwe mis yn cefnogi ac yn grymuso entrepreneuriaid a pherchnogion busnes i symud eu busnes i fyny i'r lefel nesaf. Ceir pedair rhaglen Accelerator arbenigol – Hinsawdd; Wedi'i ysgogi gan ddiben; Twf Uchel; a Thechnoleg Ariannol – gyda phob un ohonynt yn cynnig cymorth cyflawn a'r cyfle i fanteisio ar arbenigedd.
The NatWest Accelerator programme
This fully-funded six-month programme supports and empowers entrepreneurs and business owners to scale their businesses to the next level. There are four specialist Accelerator programmes – Climate; Purpose-led; High Growth; and Fintech – all of which provide wrap around support and access to expertise. 
Mae Cynllun Cymunedau y Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi ar agor nawr.
Mae grantiau rhwng £5,000 a £49,000 ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau sy'n canolbwyntio ar Fioamrywiaeth, Lleihau Gwastraff a lleihau Gwastraff i Safleoedd Tirlenwi a Gwelliannau Amgylcheddol Ehangach. Dyddiad cau :
31 Awst
The Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme (LDTCS) is now open.
Grants between £5,000 - £49,000 are available for projects with a focus on Biodiversity, Waste Minimisation and the reduction of Waste to Landfill and Wider Environmental Enhancements. Deadline: 31 August
Cymorth Busnes Cronfa Cadernid Economaidd COVID-19
Mae'r Gronfa Cadernid Economaidd yn darparu cymorth ar ffurf grantiau arian parod i fusnesau, mentrau cymdeithasol ac elusennau a busnesau cadwyn gyflenwi gysylltiedig sydd wedi profi negyddol sylweddol o ganlyniad i gyfyngiadau COVID-19 parhaus. Bydd y grantiau'n helpu i dalu costau gweithredu (ac eithrio cyflogau staff) ar gyfer y cyfnod rhwng 1 Mai 2021 a 30 Mehefin 2021. Ewch i wefan Busnes Cymru am fwy o fanylion.
COVID-19: Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) Business Support
The Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) provides support in the form of cash grants for businesses, social enterprises and charities and associated supply chain businesses that have experienced a material negative impact as a result of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. The grants will help meet operating costs (excluding staff wages) for the period 1 May 2021 to 30 June 2021. Visit the Business Wales website for more details
Cwrs ar-lein – Gwneud gwybodaeth yn hawdd ei ddeall a’i ddarllen
8 Gorffennaf
15 Medi
14 Hydref
Lleoliad: Ar-lein
Making Information Easy to Read & Understand
8 July
15 September
14 October
Venue: Online via Zoom


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