As the implementation of the Well-being of Future Generations Act begins to take shape throughout the public sector, it is vital that we as the third sector actively promote our working methods and achievements that contribute to Wales’s well-being.
The Environet team at WCVA would like to work with representative groups and networks throughout Wales to explore the great work already happening and how it links to the seven goals of the Act and the five ‘ways of working’. This exercise will produce a series of materials which illustrate in various ways, the achievements we are already making and the best practice that could be adopted or linked to by public bodies and other organisations. From cartoons to infographics, we aim to create a suite of resources that will:
- Encourage third sector organisations to actively demonstrate their contribution to the Act’s 7 goals
- Inform key policy and decision makers about the extent and importance of the sector’s contribution
- Identify further opportunities to work collaboratively to maximise collective impact
- Start to share ideas for potential recommendations that could be put forward to public bodies and other organisations about what they can reasonably be expected to do, from a third sector perspective, to embed each Goal in their work.
The development and implementation of this legislation has been heralded as the chance for Wales to lead the way in demonstrating a holistic and co-ordinated approach to sustainable development. We believe that this cannot happen without the full recognition and support of the role of the third sector.
Over the coming months we’ll be engaging more about this work but we would be very grateful if, in the first instance, TSPC representatives and networks would be willing to be involved. If this is of interest, or you are already working on something similar, then please get in touch with Clare Sain-ley-Berry or Catherine Miller at WCVA (details below).
For those that don’t know, whilst Environet is WCVA’s support service to help build capacity of third sector organisations to get involved with environmental issues and projects, we also have a wider role in promoting the WFGA and I am WCVA’s policy lead on the Act.
You can follow Environet on twitter ( wcva_ec) and sign up to our mailing list to receive updates about this and our other areas of work. More information will also be posted on WCVA’s website on its WFGA page in due course.
Kind regards
Clare Sain-ley-Berry
Head of / Pennaeth Environet Cymru
Baltic House
Mt Stuart square
CF10 5FH
029 2043 1766
[email protected]
Catherine Miller
Rheolwr Environet Cymru Manager
Morfa Hall
Bath Street
LL18 5FS
01745 357596
07714 541 439
[email protected]