Clychlythyr - 1/12/2022

Thursday, 01 December 2022
Clychlythyr - 1/12/2022
Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru
Enillodd Innovate Trust y wobr am eu app ‘Insight’ unigryw, sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i fywydau pobl â anableddau dysgu. Yn hollol rhad ac am ddim, mae wedi torri tir newydd i’r elusen, gan gynyddu eu hymgysylltiad 500% i 1,600 o bobl yng Nghymru ac ar draws y DU.
Congratulations to Innovate Trust who won the Digital Pioneer award at the Welsh Charity Awards 2022, for their unique Insight app, which has made a huge difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities. Entirely free to access, it has broken new ground for the charity, increasing their engagement by 500% to 1,600 people in Wales and across the UK.
Sefydliad Lloyd's
Gall elusennau geisio am grant rhwng £25,000 a £50,000 er mwyn cefnogi prosiect ym meysydd cyflogadwyedd, symudedd cymdeithasol, iechyd meddwl, ac osgoi neu gymorth wedi trychineb hinsawdd. Dyddiad cau 11 Rhagfyr
Lloyd’s of London Foundation
Charities can apply for a grant between £25,000 and £50,000 to support a project in the areas of: employability, social mobility, mental health, climate or disaster avoidance and relief. Deadline 11 December
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae ProMo wedi derbyn £500,000 gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol er mwyn cynorthwyo’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru yn ddigidol.
Er mwyn sicrhau cefnogaeth ymarferol, cyflym a defnyddiol, maen nhw wedi creu gwasanaeth i helpu sefydliadau trydydd sector gyda'u hymholiadau digidol.
ProMo has been awarded £500,000 from The National Lottery Community Fund to help the Welsh third sector with digital.

To deliver practical, fast and useful support, they have created a service to help third-sector organisations with queries they have related to digital.
Cofrestrwch am awr yng nghwmni aelod o'r tîm yn rhad ac am ddim | Book a free one-hour time slot with a member of the team
Free webinar  - Business support: Managing in Difficult Times
With the impacts of the increase in cost of living being felt by everyone, this Acas webinar will look at what steps an employer can take to support their staff. We will provide practical advice and examples and offer delegates the chance to Q&A with advisers. 
Cymuned Unedig i Bawb yn Barri yn cyflwyno Coffi a Chlonc ar Ragfyr 5ed 12-1yp
Mae'n gyfle i unrhyw un bicio i mewn i fachu darn o gacen a choffi am ddim, gweld yr adeilad a siarad â nhw am yr hyn maen nhw'n ei wneud. Cyfeiriad: Gallery, 2 Broad Street, Y Barri. CF62 7AA
Coffee and catch up on 5th December at 12 – 1pm. with CUBE.
It is an opportunity for anyone to pop in grab a free piece a cake and coffee, see the building and talk to them about what they do. Address: The Gallery, 2 Broad Street, Barry. CF62 7AA
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae yna fwy o alw am fwyd lleol a diddordeb cynyddol mewn tyfu masnachol
Mae astudiaeth gan brosiect blaenllaw Ffermydd a Gerddi Cymdeithasol  wedi canfod bod yna ddiddordeb cynyddol mewn bwyd lleol a thyfu masnachol yng Nghymru. 
Comisiynwyd yr astudiaeth newydd gan LANTRA Cymru mewn partneriaeth â Chynghrair Gweithwyr y Tir, Prifysgol Caerdydd ac AGG (Amaethyddiaeth a Gefnogir Gan y Gymuned) Cae Tân. Mae'n rhan o Dyfu Sgiliau Garddwriaethol Ffermio'r Dyfodol, sef partneriaeth Mannau Gwyrdd Gwydn a arweinir gan Ffermydd a Gerddi Cymdeithasol sydd gwerth £1.27m.
Escalating interest in commercial growing and an increased demand for local food, report finds
A study produced by a flagship Social Farms & Gardens project has found that there is an increasing interest in commercial growing and demand for local food in Wales.
The new study was commissioned by LANTRA Wales in partnership with The Landworkers’ Alliance, Cardiff University and Cae Tan Community Supported Agriculture. It's part of the Building Horticultural Future Farming Skills strand of Resilient Green Spaces, a £1.27m partnership project led by Social Farms & Gardens.
Darllenwch yr erthygl yma | Read the article here
I weld yr hysbysebion diweddaraf ar gyfer penodiadau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, cliciwch yma
To view the latest advertisements for public appointments in Wales, click here


Cadwch mewn cyswllt gyda ein rhwydwaith cymdeithasol

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