Mae Choose2Reuse CIC yn arbenigo mewn ailddefnyddio dillad, esgidiau, bagiau ac eitemau eraill nad oes eu heisiau. Hoffem gynnig cyfleoedd i fudiadau trydydd sector godi arian drwy ailgylchu dillad, esgidiau a bagiau, bric a brac, teganau, dillad gwely a llyfrau. Os ydych yn rhedeg siop elusen, gallwn ddarparu gwasanaeth casglu rheolaidd i chi. Hefyd, os oes gennych ddarn o dir, gallem ddarparu banc tecstilau i chi yn rhad ac am ddim. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’r gwasanaeth hwn ar gael i sefydliadau ar hyd coridor yr M4 ac yng Ngorllewin Cymru. |
Choose2Reuse CIC specializes in reusing unwanted clothes, shoes, bags and other items. They would like to offer third sector organisations opportunities to fundraise through recycling clothing, shoes, and bags, bric a brac, toys, bedding, and books.
If you operate a charity shop, they are able to provide you with a regular collection service. Also, if you have a piece of land, they could provide you with a textile bank free of charge. Currently, this service is available to organizations along the M4 corridor and in West Wales |