Clychlythyr - 2/8/2021

Monday, 02 August 2021
Clychlythyr - 2/8/2021
Pecyn cymorth newydd i helpu cyflogwyr i annog eu staff i gael brechlyn COVID-19
Mae pecyn cymorth newydd yn cael ei lansio heddiw i gefnogi busnesau a sefydliadau wrth iddyn nhw helpu eu gweithwyr i gael y brechlyn COVID-19.
Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy
New toolkit to help employers encourage employees to get COVID-19 vaccine
A new toolkit is today being launched to support businesses and organisations to help their workers get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Click here to find out more 
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymateb i adroddiad Fforwm Cydraddoldeb i Bobl Anabl Llywodraeth Cymru ar effaith COVID-19 ar bobl anabl
Welsh Government has responded to the Disability Equality Forum’s report on the impact that COVID-19 has had on disabled people
Mae llwyfan Wythnos Addysg Oedolion wedi’i ddatblygu i rannu gwybodaeth, cyrsiau, a digwyddiadau arbennig er mwyn cysylltu pobl â phartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid ledled Cymru a thu hwnt.

Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy
The Adult Learners’ Week platform has been developed to host information, courses, and special events to connect people to partners and stakeholders across Wales and beyond.

Find out full details here
Gwasanaeth pwrpasol AM DDIM i gyflogwyr: Hyrwyddwyr Cyflogaeth Pobl Anabl
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi penodi rhwydwaith o Hyrwyddwyr Cyflogaeth Pobl Anabl, gyda chefnogaeth Cynghorwyr Cyflogaeth Pobl Anabl Busnes Cymru, i roi cyngor, gwybodaeth a chymorth i gyflogwyr ledled Cymru. Gwasanaeth unigryw am ddim yw hwn i bob cyflogwr yng Nghymru, waeth beth fo faint y busnes. Gall yr Hyrwyddwyr gysylltu â chi mewnffordd sy'n addas i chi a'ch busnes ar sail un-i-un neu mewn cyfarfodydd staff. 

P'un a ydych chi am gyflwyno talent newydd i'ch tîm, cadw staff presennol sydd wedi mynd yn anabl, neu am sicrhau bod eich gweithle a'ch polisïau Adnoddau Dynol yn gynhwysol, gall yr Hyrwyddwyr helpu. Gallan nhw roi cyngor ar hyn a'r canlynol:

  • Recriwtio cynhwysol;
  • Cymorth ariannol;
  • Cyngor ymarferol ar gadw staff
Cliciwch yma am wybodaeth lawn
FREE bespoke service for employers: Disabled People’s Employment Champions
The Welsh Government has employed a network of Disabled People’s Employment Champions, supported by Business Wales Disabled People’s Employment Advisors, to provide advice, information and support to employers across Wales. It is a free service for all employers in Wales regardless of size. The Champions can liaise with you in a way which suits you and your business need on a one to one basis or at staff meetings. 
Whether you’re looking to inject new talent into your team, retain existing staff who have become disabled, or want to ensure your workplace and HR policies are inclusive the Champions can help. They can provide advice on this and any of the following:
  • Inclusive recruitment;
  • Financial support;
  • Practical advice on staff retention
Click here for more information
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