Clychlythyr - 28/7/2023

Friday, 28 July 2023
Clychlythyr - 28/7/2023
Croesawn aelod newydd, Jack Loo sydd wrthi'n sefydlu Pi Food, busnes coffi symudol.
Welcome to new member Jack Loo who is in the process of setting up Pi Food a mobile coffee business.
Mae Grantiau Cist Gymunedol Sir y Fflint ar gael i gefnogi gweithgareddau cymunedol. Ceisiadau am grant o hyd at £1000 bellach yn cael eu derbyn gan sefydliadau sy'n elwa pobl Sir y Fflint. Dyddiad cau 6 Awst
Flintshire Community Chest Grants are available to support community activity. Applications are now being accepted from organisations benefiting people from Flintshire for a grant of up to £1000.  Deadline 6 August
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Cronfa i’r Deyrnas Gyfunol
Cynllun newydd sy'n cynnig grantiau o £500,000 i £5m ar gyfer sefydliadau sydd am wneud mwy i helpu cymunedau ddod at ei gilydd a helpu creu cymdeithas â chysylltiadau gwell. Nid oes dyddiad cau felly bydd ceisiadau yn cael eu derbyn yn eu trefn.
The UK Fund
This is a new programme offering grants of £500,000 to £5m to organisations that want to do more to help communities come together and help make a better-connected society. There's no deadline and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Grant untro o hyd at £6,500 ar gael. Mae'r cylch nesaf o gyllid bellach ar gael, dyddiad cau 14 Awst.
One off grants of up to £6,500 available. The next round of funding is now available, deadline 14 August.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae Help the Homeless yn rhoi grantiau o hyd at £5,000 i sefydliadau elusennol bach a chanolig eu maint.  Eu nod yw helpu pobl ddigartref i ddychwelyd i'r gymuned a'u galluogi i ailddechrau bywyd normal.
Help the Homeless makes grants of up to £5,000 to small and medium-sized charitable organisations whose aim is to help homeless people return to the community and enabling them to resume a normal life.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Ar hyn o bryd mae Sefydliad Screwfix yn cynnig cyllid o hyd at oddeutu £5,000 i elusennau cofrestredig lleol a sefydliadau dielw. Mae’r ceisiadau yn cael eu hadolygu'n chwarterol; ym mis Mawrth, Mehefin, Medi a Rhagfyr.
The Screwfix Foundation currently offers local registered charities and not for profit organisations funding up to the region of £5,000. All applications are reviewed quarterly basis, the review dates are in March, June, September and December. 
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Gan fod hi’n dymor gwyliau, edrychwch ar gyngor ACAS ar reoli breintiau gwyliau.
As it is the holiday season take a look at ACAS' advice on managing holiday entitlement
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Mae'r Cod Ymarfer Digidol i Elusennau ar gyfer elusennau sydd am fod yn fwy strategol gyda’u gweithgaredd digidol. Gall y Cod eich helpu i ddarganfod y camau allweddol y mae angen i'ch elusen eu cymryd i barhau yn berthnasol a chynyddu eich effaith, effeithlonrwydd a chynaliadwyedd.
The Charity Digital Code of Practice is for charities looking to get more strategic with digital. The Code can help you figure out the key actions that your charity needs to take to stay relevant and increase your impact, efficiency and sustainability.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Mae’r Hwb Gwybodaeth, adnodd ar-lein am ddim i fudiadau gwirfoddol yng Nghymru, wedi’i ddiweddaru gyda mwy o wybodaeth nag erioed.
The Knowledge Hub, a free online resource for voluntary organisations in Wales, has been updated with more information than ever.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here


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