Clychlychyr - 24/6/2021

Thursday, 24 June 2021
Clychlychyr - 24/6/2021
Social Leaders Cymru - Rhaglen Sgiliau a Datblygu wedi ei ariannu  
Wedi'i gyflwyno mewn partneriaeth ag Arweinyddiaeth Gymdeithasol Clore a Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, bydd Arweinwyr Cymdeithasol Cymru yn rhaglen sgiliau a datblygu ar-lein gyntaf i ddod â'r trydydd sector o bob rhan o Gymru ynghyd. 
Bydd rhaglenni rôl-benodol unigol yn datblygu sgiliau arwain a galluoedd staff cyflogedig a gwirfoddol gyda lefelau amrywiol o brofiad o fewn sefydliadau mawr a bach. Mae hyn yn cynnwys unigolion sy'n gweithio mewn elusennau, mentrau cymdeithasol, sefydliadau llawr gwlad, prosiectau cymunedol, gwasanaethau cymdeithasol neu ym meysydd cyfiawnder cymdeithasol a newid cymdeithasol.
Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych (ac unigryw!) i dderbyn gwerth miloedd o bunnoedd o hyfforddiant a datblygiad rheoli ac arweinyddiaeth yn rhad ac am ddim, diolch i gyllid hael gan Sefydliad Garfield Weston a Sefydliad Moondance. 
Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy
Social Leaders Cymru - Funded Skills and Development Programme 
Delivered by Clore Social Leadership in partnership with the Wales Co-operative Centre, Social Leaders Cymru will be the first online skills and development programme to bring together the third sector across Wales.
Individual role-specific programmes will develop the leadership skills and capabilities of paid and voluntary staff with varied levels of experience within large and small organisations. This includes individuals working in charities, social enterprises, grassroots organisations, community projects, social services or within the fields of social justice and social change.
This is a fantastic opportunity to receive thousands of pounds worth of management and leadership training and development for free, thanks to generous funding from Garfield Weston Foundation and The Moondance Foundation
Find out more here.
Mae Wavehill yn cynnal arolwg ar ran CGGC i'w helpu i ddeall profiad pobl o ddefnyddio gwefan Gwirfoddoli Cymru yn well, a sut y gall safle gwirfoddoli canolog gefnogi sefydliadau ledled Cymru orau.
Rhan bwysig iawn o'r ymchwil hon yw deall profiadau sefydliadau sy'n darparu cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli a rhanddeiliaid sector ledled Cymru, ac felly maent wedi creu arolwg byr ar-lein. Ni ddylai'r arolwg gymryd mwy na 5 i 10 munud i gwblhau.  Bydd eich adborth yn helpu datblygu system a fydd yn helpu i lunio a gwasanaethu dyfodol gwirfoddoli hyd yn oed os nad ydych chi wedi defnyddio gwefan Gwirfoddoli Cymru.
Wavehill are conducting a survey on behalf of the WCVA to help them to better understand peoples’ experience of using the Volunteering Wales website, and how a central volunteering site can best support organisations across Wales.
A really important part of this research is understanding the experiences of organisations who provide volunteering opportunities and sector stakeholders across Wales, and so they have created a short online survey. The survey should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes to completeEven if you haven’t used the Volunteering Wales website your feedback will help to develop a system that will help to both shape and serve the future of volunteering.
Hyfforddiant arlein am ddim Ymddiriedolaeth Cranfield & CGGC –  29 Mehefin
Ceir pwysau cynyddol gan gyllidwyr, rhoddwyr a'r llywodraeth am fwy o wybodaeth am effaith. Mae cael y data cywir – y niferoedd – a'r wybodaeth ansoddol gywir – y straeon – yn hanfodol i wella'r ffordd y mae sefydliadau'n gweithio, gan helpu i gynyddu'r ffocws ar flaenoriaethau allweddol.
Cranfield Trust & WCVA
Free Online Training – Capturing and Communicating your Impact. 29 June

There is growing pressure from funders, donors and government for more and better impact information. Getting the right data – the numbers – and the right qualitative information – the stories – is critical to improving the way organisations work, helping to increase focus on key priorities.
Cynllun Cyflymu Natwest
Mae'r rhaglen chwe mis hon a ariennir yn llawn yn cefnogi ac yn grymuso entrepreneuriaid a pherchnogion busnes i dyfu eu busnesau i'r lefel nesaf. Ceir pedwar cynllun Cyflymu arbenigol – Hinsawdd; Wedi'i arwain gan Ddiben; Twf Uchel; a Fintech – y mae pob un ohonynt yn darparu cymorth cofleidiol a mynediad at arbenigedd.
The NatWest Accelerator programme
This fully-funded six-month programme supports and empowers entrepreneurs and business owners to scale their businesses to the next level. There are four specialist Accelerator programmes – Climate; Purpose-led; High Growth; and Fintech – all of which provide wrap around support and access to expertise


Cadwch mewn cyswllt gyda ein rhwydwaith cymdeithasol

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