Clychlythyr- 18/8/2022

Thursday, 18 August 2022
Clychlythyr- 18/8/2022
Mae'r Gronfa Ecwiti Dyfodolau LHDT+ ar gyfer sefydliadau sy'n gweithio gyda chymunedau wedi'u tangynrychioli a heb adnoddau digonol wedi cael ei hymestyn i grwpiau dielw o Gymru, Yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon. Ar agor i sefydliadau a phrosiectau sy'n cael eu harwain gan ac ar gyfer:   
  • Pobl B/byddar, Anabl, Niwroamrywiol, LHDT+
  • Pobl LHDT+ o Liw a Phobl o Ethnigrwydd Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifol.
  • Merched LHDTQRh+
  • Pobl LHDT+ Hŷn
  • Pobl traws ac Anneuaidd.
The LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund for user-led LGBT+ organisations working with targeted under-represented and under-resourced communities has been extended to non-profit groups from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, for organisations and projects that are led by and for:
  • D/deaf, Disabled, Neurodivergent LGBT+ people.
  • LGBT+ People of Colour and People from Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnicities¹
  • LGBTQI+ Women.
  • Older LGBT+ people.
  • Trans and Non-Binary people
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Mae Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru, a drefnir gan WCVA, yn cydnabod ac yn dathlu’r cyfraniad gwych y mae elusennau, grwpiau cymunedol, dielw a gwirfoddolwyr yn ei wneud i Gymru drwy amlygu a hyrwyddo’r gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol y gallwn ei wneud i fywydau ein gilydd.
The Welsh Charity Awards, organised by WCVA, recognise and celebrate the fantastic contribution charities, community groups, not-for-profits and volunteers make to Wales by highlighting and championing the positive difference we can make to each other’s lives.
Ewch amdani ac enwebwch heddiw | Nominate Today
Y Flwyddyn Olaf i Ymgeisio am y Cyfle Hyfforddi wedi'i Ariannu 100% sydd ar gael yng Ngogledd Cymru
Sgiliau ar gyfer Cyflogwyr a Gweithwyr - cyfle wedi'i ariannu gan Ewrop i gyflogwyr sy'n rhoi'r cyfle iddynt wella sgiliau eu staff. 
Last Year to Apply for the 100% Funded Training Opportunity available in North Wales
The Skills for Employers and Employees (SEE) Project - European funded opportunity to be taken by employers, giving them the opportunity to upskill their staff. 
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Elusen a Chronfa Gymunedol DPO
Pwrpas y gronfa yw darparu mynediad at wasanaethau ymgynghori diogelu data ar raddfa sy'n cael ei hariannu 80%, sydd felly'n galluogi achosion teilwng i gael mynediad at arbenigedd. Yn ogystal ag elusennau a sefydliadau cymunedol gall y sector dielw ymgeisio hefyd.
Data Protection Officer (DPO) Centre Charity and Community Fund
The fund’s purpose is to provide access to data protection consultancy services, but at an 80% funded rate, therefore enabling worthy causes to access the expertise. In addition to charity and Community organisations ‘Not for profits’ can also apply.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Mae’r Gronfa Tyfu Busnesau Cymdeithasol yn cefnogi busnesau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn ariannol er mwyn eu galluogi i dyfu a chreu cyfleoedd gwaith. Mae'r gronfa yn cael ei ariannu'n rhannol gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop a Llywodraeth Cymru ac yn rhan o'r gyfres o fuddsoddiadau a weinyddir gan Buddsoddiad Cymdeithasol Cymru. Mae'r amser i ymgeisio yn prinhau. 
The Social Business Growth Fund (SBGF) supports social businesses in Wales financially to enable them to grow and create job opportunities. SBGF is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Welsh Government and is added to the suite of investments administered by Social Investment Cymru. Time to apply is running out. 
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Ecwiti Funding for social entrepreneurs in Wales
The next round of Ecwiti Funding is open for applications, and closes on September 30th

Social Firms Wales and UnLtd have partnered to find, fund and deliver support to social entrepreneurs in Wales, with a focus on those from marginalised backgrounds.
We are looking to fund and support social entrepreneurs in Wales who:
  • live or work in areas with high poverty rates
  • are Black, Asian and/or from a minority ethnic background
  • are disabled
  • have direct lived experience of the social issues they are setting out to solve
There are 2 levels of funding:
  • Up to £5,000 for social enterprises starting up, or running for under 1-year
  • Up to £15,000 or social enterprises running for over 1-year, but under 4-years
The Ecwiti programme is funded by the Welsh Government. It will work towards the outcomes set out in Transforming Wales through Social Enterprise, a 10-year vision to see social enterprise adopted as a business model of choice.
For guidance, and to apply click here to visit the UnLtd funding portal   
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