Clychlythyr - 2/8/2022

Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Clychlythyr - 2/8/2022
Welcome to new member Ren who has created an online shop called Queer Little Shop which not only sells a great variety of LGBTQ+ products but also opens up about their mental health and daughters cancer.
Check out the little queer shop
Love live music? Want to give back? Minty’s Gig Guide CIC is currently looking for a Chair of its board.
The main focus of the Chairperson will be to lead an effective Board and drive its evolution and continuous improvement whilst acting as a sounding board and mentor to the COO.
The board, starting with the Chairperson, is expected to maintain an accurate understanding of the vision and strategy of Minty’s Gig Guide CIC, challenge and enrich it, and to make sure we are always working in a way that reflects upon our values & social aims.
Working within the music industry is not essential at all, but a passion for live music should be a driving factor for your application.
Click here to find out more about being their chair
Ecwiti Funding for social entrepreneurs in Wales
The next round of Ecwiti Funding is open for applications, and closes on September 30th

Social Firms Wales and UnLtd have partnered to find, fund and deliver support to social entrepreneurs in Wales, with a focus on those from marginalised backgrounds.
We are looking to fund and support social entrepreneurs in Wales who:
  • live or work in areas with high poverty rates
  • are Black, Asian and/or from a minority ethnic background
  • are disabled
  • have direct lived experience of the social issues they are setting out to solve
There are 2 levels of funding:
  • Up to £5,000 for social enterprises starting up, or running for under 1-year
  • Up to £15,000 or social enterprises running for over 1-year, but under 4-years
The Ecwiti programme is funded by the Welsh Government. It will work towards the outcomes set out in Transforming Wales through Social Enterprise, a 10-year vision to see social enterprise adopted as a business model of choice.
For guidance, and to apply click here to visit the UnLtd funding portal   
The 2023 GSK IMPACT Awards
Now open to registered charities that are at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with a total annual income between £120,000 and £3 million. Up to ten winners receive £40,000, in unrestricted funding with the overall winner receiving an additional £10,000. Award winners are also offered free training and development valued at an average of £9,500 for each organisation. Deadline 1 September 
Find out more here
Free Managing Sickness Absence Toolkit from Roots HR CIC Roots HR CIC are giving away a Managing Sickness Absence Toolkit worth £459 jam-packed full of useful guidance, templates, tools and a training webinar to support your social sector organisation!
Get your free toolkit here
Big Issue Social Enterprise Investment Fund II
SEIF II supports ambitious social enterprises and charities with sustainable business models looking to grow and extend their social impact.  
Discover more here
Good Finance have a diagnostic tool to find out if funding is right for your organisation?
It takes about 2-3 minutes to complete and it will ask you questions about your organisation and your financial needs. 
Find out if social funding is right for your organisation


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