Clychlythyr - 28/3/2024

Thursday, 28 March 2024
Clychlythyr - 28/3/2024
Caeodd toogoodtowaste eu hystafell arddangos yn Nhreorci y llynedd dros dro ar gyfer gwaith adnewyddu hanfodol, fel bod yna brofiad siopa newydd cyffrous i'r ardal leol. Maent yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi eu bod bellach wedi agor eu hystafell arddangos "Vintage & Retro" newydd sbon.
toogoodtowaste temporarily closed their Treorchy showroom last year for essential refurbishment ready to bring an exciting new shopping experience to the local area. They are delighted to announce that they have now opened their brand-new Vintage & Retro Showroom.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Nod PIWS yw creu gogledd Cymru sy'n fwy hygyrch. Maen nhw wedi ymuno â Sw Môr Môn i greu clwb ar ôl ysgol ar gyfer pobl anabl.
PIWS's aim is to create a more accessible North Wales. They have teamed up with Anglesey Sea Zoo to create an afterschool club for disability. 
Darllenwch fwy yma Read more here
Beth petasai gennych £10,000 i ysgogi newid?
Mae Biffa yn helpu busnesau i ddatgloi gwerth posibl gwastraff ac wedi lansio cystadleuaeth ble mae’n bosib ennill £10,000.  Does dim angen i chi fod yn fusnes sefydledig hyd yn oed – efallai bod gennych chi syniad neu sgil benodol yr hoffech chi ei dyfu'n fusnes.
Dyddiad cau 30 Ebrill
What iffa you had £10,000 to make a change?
Biffa help businesses to unlock the potential value of waste and have launched the Change Makers competition where you could win £10,000.  You don’t even need to be an established business – you might just have an idea or a particular skill that you wish to grow into a business.
Deadline 30 April
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn gwahodd ceisiadau o hyd at £10,000 i'w Gronfa Treftadaeth, Diwylliant, Twristiaeth a Digwyddiadau ar gyfer digwyddiadau bach a mawr.
Neath Port Talbot Council is inviting applications of up to £10,000 to its Heritage, Culture, Tourism and Events (HCTE) Fund for large and small scale events.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Cylchoedd ariannu Haf 2024 yn agor heddiw
Grantiau anghyfyngedig o hyd at £30,000 dros un i dair blynedd er mwyn helpu sefydliadau i dyfu, cryfhau, bod yn fwy effeithlon neu wydn.
Summer 2024 funding rounds opens today
Unrestricted grants of up to £30,000 spread over one to three years to help organisations grow, strengthen, become more efficient or resilient
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Gweminarau newydd o 3SC
Up coming webinars from 3SC 
Ebrill 23 - Meistroli'r grefft o wydnwch gyrfa | April 23 - Mastering the art of career resilience
14 Mai - Pwysigrwydd ac effaith llesiant mewn cyflogadwyedd | May 14 - The importance and impact of wellbeing in employability
Mehefin 11 - Dosbarth meistr recriwtio niwrogynhwysol | June 11 - Neuro-inclusive recruitment masterclass
Mae grant effeithiol Venturesome yn darparu buddsoddiad cymdeithasol ar gyfer elusennau a mentrau cymdeithasol. Maent yn cynnig cyllid rhwng £50,000 ac £1 miliwn a ganddynt fathau o fuddsoddiad hyblyg sy’n cynnwys:
  • Benthyciadau heb eu gwarantu
  • Cyllid cyfunol (benthyciad a grant)
Cyfleusterau wrth gefn (benthyciad wedi'i gymeradwyo ymlaen llaw i'w ddefnyddio os oes ei angen)
Venturesome Impact Fund provides social investment for purpose driven charities and social enterprises. They offer finance between £50,000 and £1 million and have flexible investment types include:
  • Unsecured loans
  • Blended finance (part loan/part grant)
  • Standby facilities (a pre-approved loan to draw on if it's needed)
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
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