Clythlythyr - 25/8/2022

Monday, 29 August 2022
Clythlythyr - 25/8/2022
£7.6 miliwn i helpu 2,000 o oedolion gydag anableddau dysgu neu awtistiaeth i waith
Bydd dau awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru; sef Caerdydd a Sir Benfro, a 22 awdurdod lleol yn Lloegr yn elwa o ariannu gwerth £7.6m dros 3 blynedd. Bydd pob ardal awdurdod lleol yn cefnogi rhwng 60 a 140 o oedolion sydd ag anableddau dysgu, awtistiaeth neu'r ddau i symud i gyflogaeth, a darparu'r cymorth sydd angen arnynt i gadw'r gyflogaeth honno.
£7.6 million to help 2,000 adults with learning disabilities or autism into work
A total of 22 local authorities in England and two in Wales, Cardiff and Pembrokeshire, will benefit from the funding worth £7.6m over 3 years. Each local authority area will support between 60 and 140 adults with learning disabilities, autism or both to move into competitive employment and provide the help they need to maintain that employment.
Cliciwch yma i wybod mwy | Click here to find out more
Grant Dechrau Busnes Carbon Sero Net
Cynllun peilot yw’r grant, sy’n ceisio helpu egin fentrau cymdeithasol tra'n ymwreiddio arferion sy’n ystyriol o’r hinsawdd.  Mae'n cynnig cymorth ariannol i baratoi ar gyfer masnachu neu
fuddsoddi, ynghyd â chefnogaeth dechnegol i ymgorffori ymarfer sy’n ystyriol o’r hinsawdd.  Mae Cylch 2 bellach ar agor.
The Net Zero Carbon Start-up Grant
The grant is a pilot scheme which aims to help get social business ‘start-ups’ off the ground, while at the same time embedding climate friendly practices. It offers financial support to get trading or investment ready, plus technical support to embed climate friendly practices. Round 2 is now open.
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund
Gwasanaeth Ynni Llywodraeth Cymru
Mae'r Gwasanaeth Ynni yn helpu cyflymu prosiectau lleihau carbon drwy ddarparu cyngor technegol, masnachol, a chaffael i sefydliadau'r sector cyhoeddus a grwpiau cymunedol ledled Cymru.
Gall y Gwasanaeth Ynni ddarparu cymorth i grwpiau cymunedol ar gyfer prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy sy'n eiddo i'r gymuned sy'n defnyddio adnoddau naturiol Cymru i greu ynni glân.
Pe bai angen help ar eich grŵp cymunedol i ddatblygu, gweithredu, neu ariannu prosiect ynni, gall y Gwasanaeth Ynni eich helpu.
The Welsh Government Energy Service
The Energy Service helps to accelerate carbon reduction projects by providing technical, commercial, and procurement advice to public sector organisations and community groups across Wales.

The Energy Service can provide support to community groups for Community owned renewable energy projects that harness Wales’ natural resources to generate clean energy.

 If your community group needs help developing, implementing, or funding an energy project, the Energy Service can help you.
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund
Mae Cronfa Grantiau'r Trydydd Sector yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot ar agor nawr
Grantiau sy'n darparu hyd at 3 blynedd o gyllid ar gyfer sefydliadau dielw. Dyddiad cau 14 Hydref
The Neath Port Talbot Third Sector grant fund is now open
Grants providing funding for up to 3 years to not for profit organisations.  Deadline 14 October
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Gweminar rhad ac am ddim ar 'Argyfwng costau byw a sut y gall digidol helpu' 20 Medi
AbilityNet a sefydliadau gwadd yn cynghori am sut y gall digidol helpu gyda'r argyfwng costau byw rydym yn ei wynebu.
Free webinar 'Cost of living crisis and how digital can help' - 20 September
AbilityNet and guest organisations advise about how digital can help with the cost of living crisis we're all facing.
Darganfyddwch fwy ac archebwch eich lle | Find out more and book your place


Cadwch mewn cyswllt gyda ein rhwydwaith cymdeithasol

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