Clythlythyr - 29/9/2022

Thursday, 29 September 2022
Clythlythyr - 29/9/2022
Mae Cronfa Rosa's Voices from the Frontline yn cynnig grantiau blwyddyn o rhwng £500 a £7,000 er mwyn cefnogi gwaith ymgyrchu a dylanwadu sy'n galluogi menywod a merched i ddefnyddio eu llais i gyflawni newid. Dyddiad cau 3 Tachwedd
Rosa’s Voices from the Frontline fund offers one-year grants of between £500 and £7,000 to support campaigning and influencing work that enables women and girls to use their voice to achieve change. Deadline 3 November
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae Cronfa Cefn Gwlad y Tywysog yn gwahodd ceisiadau am grantiau o hyd at £25,000 dros ddwy flynedd, ar gyfer prosiectau a fydd yn creu gwahaniaeth hirdymor mewn cymunedau gwledig ledled y Deyrnas Gyfunol. Rhaid i ymgeisiwyr fod yn sefydliadau dielw gyda'r cyfansoddiad cywir ag incwm o lai na £500,000. Dyddiad cau 11 Hydref
The Prince’s Countryside Fund is inviting applications for grants of up to £25,000 over two years, for projects that will create a long-term difference in rural communities across the UK. Applicants must be from properly constituted, not for profit organisations with an income of less than £500,000. Deadline 11 October
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund
7 Stars Foundation - grantiau o hyd at £2,500, yn cefnogi pobl ifanc 16 oed ac iau.
The 7 Stars Foundation - grants of up to £2,500, supporting young people aged 16 years and under.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae Grantiau Pawb a'i Le Canolig yn cynnig ariannu o £10,001 i £100,000 ar gyfer prosiectau lle mae pobl a chymunedau yn cydweithio a defnyddio eu cryfderau i gael effaith cadarnhaol ar y pethau sydd fwyaf pwysig iddynt.
People and Places Medium grants offer funding from £10,001 to £100,000 for projects where people and communities are working together, and using their strengths to make positive impacts on the things that matter to them the most.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Gwyliwch y recordiad o'r gweminar a gynhaliwyd yn ddiweddar gan AbilityNet ar yr argyfwng costau byw a sut y gall digidol helpu.
See the recording of the webinar held recently by AbilityNet on the Cost of living crisis and how digital can help.
Adnoddau yn rhad ac am ddim gan Ability Net | Free resources from Ability Net


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