Newsletter - 7/4/2022

Thursday, 07 April 2022
Newsletter - 7/4/2022
Croeso i'n haelod newydd Janine o Gwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol adNewyddu Sir Ddinbych, cymrwch gip cyflym i weld yr hyn maent yn eu cynnig.
Welcome to our new member Janine from reSource Denbighshire CIC, take a quick peak at what they do
£5 miliwn i wella mynediad i natur a mynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd
Mae'r Gronfa Dreftadaeth wedi ffurfio partneriaeth â'r Ymddiriedolaethau Natur i ddarparu rhaglen natur gymunedol ddwy flynedd.
Bydd Nextdoor Nature yn helpu tua 200 o grwpiau lleol mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig trefol a gwledig i ymgymryd â micro-brosiectau sy'n helpu natur i ffynnu ac sy'n mynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd.
Mae'r rhaglen yn rhan o fuddsoddiad o gyfanswm o £7m er mwyn nodi Jiwbilî Platinwm y Frenhines a darparu gwaddol ar gyfer natur a chymunedau.
£5million to improve access to nature and combat climate change
The Heritage Fund have partnered with The Wildlife Trusts to deliver a two-year community nature programme.
Nextdoor Nature will help around 200 local groups in economically deprived urban and rural areas to undertake micro-projects that help nature thrive and tackle climate change.
The programme is part of a total £7m investment to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and provide a legacy for nature and communities
Sefydliad Cymunedol Cymru
Dyfernir grantiau rhwng £500 a £2,000 i sefydliadau cymunedol bach dan reolaeth gwirfoddolwyr sydd yn ymgeisio er mwyn cyflawni'r canlyniadau canlynol:
  • Gwella cyfleoedd pobl mewn bywyd
  • Adeiladu cymunedau cryfach
  • Gwella amgylcheddau gwledig a threfol
  • Annog pobl a chymunedau iachach a mwy egnïol
  • Cadw treftadaeth a diwylliant
Community Foundation Wales
Grants of between £500 – £2,000 will be awarded to small, volunteer-driven community organisations whose applications aim to deliver the following outcomes:
  • Improving people’s chances in life
  • Building stronger communities
  • Improving rural and urban environments
  • Encouraging healthier and more active people and communities
  • Preserving heritage and culture
Cymorth ac addasiadau i weithwyr yn oes Covid – AbillityNet
Gweminar am ddim 26 Ebrill

Sut i sicrhau eich bod yn darparu (ac yn derbyn) addasiadau rhesymol yn y gweithle, yn enwedig o ystyried effaith Covid-19 ar weithwyr anabl.
AbilityNet - Employee support and adjustments in the age of Covid
Free webinar 26 April

How to ensure you're providing (and receiving) reasonable adjustments in the workplace, particularly in light of Covid-19 and its effect on disabled employees.
Gwella cysylltedd digidol - digwyddiad ar-lein ar 28 Ebrill am 12
Bydd FfCSyM-Cymru, Undeb Amaethwyr Cymru, NFU Cymru, Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru a Chymdeithas Tir a Busnes Cefn Gwlad yn cynnal digwyddiad cysylltedd digidol ar-lein ar 28 Ebrill am 12 canol dydd.  Nod y digwyddiad hwn yw darparu trosolwg o’r wybodaeth, cefnogaeth a chyllid sydd ar gael i helpu cartrefi a chymunedau i wella eu cysylltedd.
Improving digital connectivity - online event 28 April at 12 noon
NFWI-Wales, the FUW, NFU Cymru, the Wales YFC and the CLA will be jointly hosting an online digital connectivity event on 28 April at 12 noon. The aim of the event will be to provide an overview of the information, support and funding available to help households and communities to improve their connectivity


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