Clychlythyr - 4/7/2024

Monday, 15 July 2024
Clychlythyr - 4/7/2024
Autistic Haven - Summer Camp; Keeping it intimate with just 10 pitches
This camp is designed to create a non judgmental setting that caters to the neuro-diverse needs of families, including those with Autism. If families feel they would benefit from that type of setting, they're welcome; no questions asked, and no diagnoses are required
Book your three-night camping trip in beautiful Snowdonia and enjoy a peaceful retreat in Bala, surrounded by stunning views in a safe and inclusive setting. Spaces for the July camp are filling up fast, so don't delay booking
  • Arrivals: 12 pm, Monday July 29th
  • Departures: 11:30 am, Thursday, August 1st
  • Price: £130 per pitch for three nights
  • 6 electric hook-up pitches at £6 per night on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Dogs are welcome kept on a lead or tethered at all times
Book here
Sefyll gyda’n gilydd
Grantiau o hyd at £25,000 er mwyn cefnogi sefydliadau i gryfhau a gweithio'n fwy effeithiol, gan ddiwallu anghenion menywod a merched yn well, a dylanwadu ar newid ehangach i bob menyw a merch. Mae'n ariannu meysydd sy'n gysylltiedig â datblygu sefydliadol; gan gynnwys strategaeth, llywodraethu, arweinyddiaeth, cael llais cryfach o fewn mudiad y menywod, datblygu cynghreiriau, codi arian, effaith, systemau a phrosesau. Dyddiad cau 30 Gorffennaf
Stand with us fund
Grants of up to £25,000 to support organisations to become stronger and more effective; better meeting the needs of women and girls and influencing wider change for all women and girls. It funds areas related to organisational development, including strategy, governance, leadership, having a stronger voice within the women’s movement, building alliances, fundraising, impact, systems and processes. Deadline 30 July
Dysgu mwy am y gronfa | Learn more about the fund
Buddsoddi mewn Mannau a Lleoedd
Grant hyd at £25,000 ar gael i alluogi cymunedau i gael lle diogel i bobl fod gyda'i gilydd. Gall grantiau gynnwys gwaith atgyweirio adeiladau, ac adnewyddu'r mannau dan-do ac awyr agored.
Y dyddiad cau yw 28 Gorffennaf 2024
Investing in Spaces and Places
Grant up to £25,000 available to enable communities to have a safe space for people to be together. Grants can cover building repairs, and refurbishment of the indoor and outdoor spaces.
The closing date is 28 July 2024
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Mae’r rhaglen hon yn darparu grantiau hyd at £2,000  busnes i bobl ifanc rhwng 18 a 30 oed.

Fel rhan o’r rhaglen mae SWEF yn rhoi cyfle i ymuno â rhwydwaith o gyfoedion sydd hefyd yn y cyfnod cynnar o ddechrau eu busnes i rannu syniadau, profiadau a dysgu.

SWEF provides business grants of up to £2,000 for young people aged between 18-30.

As part of the programme SWEF provides the opportunity to join a network of peers who are also in the early stage of starting their business to share ideas, experiences and learn.

Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Procurex Wales 2024 - prif ddigwyddiad caffael cyhoeddus Cymru.
Cynhelir yng Nghanolfan Gynadledda Ryngwladol Cymru yng Nghasnewydd ar Dachwedd 5ed. Yn dod â phrynwyr a chyflenwyr o bob rhan o Gymru - a gweddill y Deyrnas Gyfunol - ynghyd. Mae GwerthwchiGymru yn cynnig 100 o docynnau am ddim (sydd fel arfer yn costio £145.00 + TAW) ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin.
Procurex Wales 2024 - Wales’ leading public procurement event.
Held in the ICC Wales in Newport on 5th November, the event brings together buyers and suppliers from all over Wales and the rest of the UK.
Sell2Wales is offering 100 complimentary tickets (usually priced at £145.00 + VAT) on a first come, first served basis.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Fe'ch gwahoddir i'r Sgwrs Busnes RhCT gyntaf, digwyddiad unigryw a fydd yn dod â busnesau lleol, arweinwyr cymunedol a phartneriaid academaidd ynghyd i drafod gofynion cymorth a heriau sy'n wynebu busnesau yn ardal Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Rhad ac am ddim i fynychu
You’re invited to the first RCT Business Conversation, an exclusive event designed to bring together local businesses, community leaders and academic partners to discuss support requirements and challenges faced by businesses in the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) region.
Free to attend
Archebwch yma | Book here
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