Clychlythyr - 28/6/2024

Friday, 28 June 2024
Clychlythyr - 28/6/2024
Croeso i’n haelod newydd, Grace o Skillzify. Eu nod yw galluogi, grymuso ac addysgu cymunedau sy’n aml-ddiwylliannol; gwella mynediad at ddysgu sgiliau, gwella cyflogadwyedd, a meithrin hyder yn eu cleientiaid.
Welcome to new member Grace from Skillzify. Their aim is to enable, empower, and educate diverse communities; to improve access to skill learning, enhance employability, and instil confidence in their clients.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Croeso i’n haelod newydd Shirley o Gymdeithas Tsieineaidd Cymru, sefydliad elusennol sy'n ymroddedig i wella bywydau trigolion o ethnigrwydd Tsieineaidd yng Nghymru.
Welcome to new member Shirley from the Chinese in Wales Association (CIWA) are a charitable organisation dedicated to improving the lives of ethnic Chinese residents in Wales
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Croeso hefyd i Joanne, Rheolwr Strategol yr Economi Gymdeithasol yng Nghyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful
And a final welcome to Joanne who is the Strategic Social Economy Manager at Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Garddwr Cod Post
Llynedd, gweithiodd Cyfeillion y Ddaear â banc y Co-op ar gynllun aml-flwyddyn i adfer natur trwy helpu i adfer gwyrddni a bywyd gwyllt mewn dros 1,000 o fannau difreintiedig o ran natur ledled y Deyrnas Gyfunol.  
Ganddynt £24,000 o gyllid dros 2 flynedd ar gyfer pob partner cyflenwi, yn ogystal â darparu cymorth cofleidiol ar sut i fonitro bioamrywiaeth a lles, a sut i gynhyrchu incwm o wasanaethau taladwy i gynnal y prosiect y tu hwnt i'r grant cychwynnol.
Postcode Gardener
Last year Friends of the Earth partnered with The Co-operative Bank on a multi-year programme to bring back nature by helping to restore greenery and wildlife in over 1,000 nature-deprived spaces across the UK. 
They have £24k of funding available over 2 years for each delivery partner, as well as providing wrap-around support on how to monitor biodiversity and wellbeing and how to generate income from fee-paying services to sustain the project beyond the initial grant. 
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Cymorth Adnoddau Dynol am ddim: 4 awr Ad Hoc
Mae Cwmnïau Buddiannau Cymunedol Roots HR yn cynnig cyfle i hyd at 5 elusen fach gael mynediad at 4 awr o gymorth Adnoddau Dynol ad hoc yn rhad ac AM DDIM (gwerth £420 + TAW)

Gallwch gael mynediad i linell gyngor AD am arweiniad ar:
  • Ymholiadau Adnoddau Dynol Cyffredinol
  • Achosion gweithwyr
  • Gofynion Adnoddau Dynol Gweithredol
  • Rheoli pobl
Free HR Support: 4 Ad Hoc Hours
Roots HR CIC are offering up to 5 small charities the opportunity of accessing 4 hours of FREE ad hoc HR support (valued at £420 + VAT)

You can access an HR advice line for guidance on:
  • General HR queries
  • Employee cases
  • Operational HR requirements
  • People management
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Gweminar am ddim - cymorth gyda chwblhau ffurflenni P11D a P11D (b)
  • trosolwg o'r ffurflenni P11D a P11D (b)
  • manteision cyflwyno'r ffurflenni hyn ar-lein a sut mae gwneud
  • treuliau a budd-daliadau cyflogres
Free webinar - help with completing forms P11D and P11D(b)
  • an overview of the forms P11D and P11D(b)
  • the benefits of submitting these forms online and how 
  • payrolling expenses and benefits
Dewiswch eich dyddiad yma | Choose your date here
Mae amser enwebu Gwobrau Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru 2024 wedi cychwyn
Mae Gwobrau Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru yn tynnu sylw at dwf a photensial y sector menter gymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Nid dim ond seremoni wobrwyo arall yw hon – mae’n deyrnged i’r ymdrechion diflino a fydd yn llunio ein dyfodol.

Gyda 6 chategori o wobrau, mae Gwobrau Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru eleni yn datgelu straeon eithriadol mentrau ac entrepreneuriaid cymdeithasol sydd nid yn unig wedi goroesi’r storm ond sydd wedi dod i’r amlwg fel ffaglau newid yn y 12 mis diwethaf. Mae’n bryd cymeradwyo’r rhai a feiddiai wneud gwahaniaeth, gan drawsnewid bywydau a chymunedau.

Rydym yn annog ein haelodau i ymgeisio am wobr.

Enwebiadau'n cau 7 Gorffennaf

Nominations are open for the Social Business Wales Awards 2024
The awards shines a spotlight on the growth and potential of the social enterprise sector in Wales. This isn’t just another awards ceremony – it’s a tribute to the tireless efforts being made to shape our future.

With 6 award categories, this years Social Business Wales Awards promise to unveil the exceptional stories of social enterprises and entrepreneurs who’ve not just weathered the storm but emerged as beacons of change in the past 12 months. It’s time to applaud those who dared to make a difference, transforming lives and communities.

We strongly encourage our members to apply for an award.

Nominations close on the 7 July

Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Archebwch yma | Book here
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